could be your opportunity to tap into the growing carbon markets

CY Tan
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2021

With the current state of the cryptocurrency market, we’re not hearing much about all-time-highs.

However, we have recently come across an all-time-high that isn’t good news: the world’s projected global temperatures, which continue to accelerate due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Limiting the emission of greenhouse gases remains one of the world’s biggest challenges. Over the past year, commitments from governments and organisations to reach net-zero emissions have more than doubled. This has created a demand for carbon credits as a vehicle to meet these targets, and these credits have emerged as one of the fastest-growing ecological assets.

Let’s take a look at some of the carbon markets around the world.

Carbon trade is massive

Carbon trade is a multi-billion dollar market that is exploding right now. In 2019, there was a reported 34% growth to €194 billion ($214.5 billion). This grew a massive 20% to €292 billion ($272 billion) in 2020.

There are two broad carbon credit markets that exist today: the Compliance Carbon Market and the Voluntary Carbon Market.

The compliance market is those regulated by governments — more than 40 countries and 25 sub-national governments have implemented a price on carbon, and have legislated emission reductions through carbon credits.

The voluntary market is one where buyers can voluntarily offset their carbon footprint. There is a growing demand for these as companies and people turn to corporate social responsibility. As of September 2020, over 1500 companies, representing over $11.4 trillion in revenue and 19.3 million employees, have set net-zero targets, and they have a footprint of over 3.5 gigatonnes in emissions. Research suggests that demand for carbon credits will increase ten-fold and increase the prices in the next decade. could be your gateway to tap into this area with voluntary carbon markets and also do your part to make the world cleaner and greener.

Carbon prices have hit all-time-highs recently

Let’s look at the EU carbon price:

Other carbon prices and credit markets have also hit all-time-highs, such as:

The chief executive of the Institute of International Finance predicts that the voluntary carbon credit market will be a $100 billion a year market by 2050. will democratise ecological assets

As the carbon markets grow, aims to democratise access to ecological tools such as carbon credits. We are linking the PERL token to carbon credits, and exploring options for people to trade, HODL, use these in liquidity pools for rewards or retire these and contribute to climate goals. Our solution will ensure transparency and encourage participation in these growing carbon markets.

We soft-launched on the United Nations’ World Environment Day which encourages worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. We couldn’t think of a more fitting vision, particularly in a time of post-pandemic recovery.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to low (the lowest in the last 10 years!) CO2 emissions in 2020 compared to 2019 figures due to changed activity patterns. As the world returns to ‘normal’, this was likely only temporary. A report from the International Energy Agency estimates that CO2 emissions will increase by almost 5% to 33 billion tonnes, pushing it above the 2019 level.

We think that the climate has presented the biggest innovation challenge of our lifetime, and there are many who believe there are trillion-dollar opportunities as the world comes up with solutions to transform traditional methods.

These opportunities can’t be left to governments and big businesses alone. Small businesses, households and the rest of the world should be able to engage more directly with these opportunities. This is why believes in using innovative technologies and solutions for good, and bringing democratised assets to everyone.

If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with us on Telegram or Twitter.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that no portion of this article should be construed as financial advice or a solicitation of investment. We recommend that you consult a licensed financial advisor before investing, speculating or trading in any digital currency or in any other asset class.

