Perlin Draft Carbon DAO Whitepaper

Request for Comments & Feedback

Darren Toh
2 min readMar 24, 2020


We are very excited to share our new Draft Perlin Carbon DAO Whitepaper, which you can download HERE

Please note that this is a Draft Whitepaper for public comment and is not a finalised document. Once the public comment period is over and last refinements added, we will update the Whitepaper and upload it to our website.

To help our community understand the DAO proposal, carbon trading and Perlin’s opportunities better, we have also created the following overviews:

TLDR — Carbon Trading Opportunity & How Carbon Trading Works

Overview — Perlin Carbon DAO Proposal [DRAFT]

Overview — Perlin Carbon Trading Opportunity & How Carbon Trading Works

TLDR — What Does the Draft Whitepaper Cover?

The draft whitepaper outlines Perlin’s proposal to establish a Carbon DAO platform for the Perlin community to access carbon credits as an uncorrelated and rapidly-growing asset class.

Despite explosive ongoing growth, carbon markets remain highly fragmented, illiquid and extremely difficult to access. To solve this problem, the Carbon DAO is designed to connect carbon markets to decentralised cryptocurrency and DeFi ecosystems. The ICC and Perlin are also directly supporting projects that generate high-quality carbon assets. Using Perlin’s Carbon DAO, these carbon credits can then be easily purchased by individuals and institutions as fungible tokenised digital assets to offset their carbon emissions or for trading on highly-liquid digital markets, such as our exchange partner AirCarbon.

How to Leave Comments

We are now welcoming comments on the Draft Whitepaper from industry experts, DeFi participants, general community and any other interested parties. All comments and feedback should be submitted to with the subject line: Perlin Carbon Trading Whitepaper Comments.

The deadline for any feedback is 25 April 2020.

