Perlin in Tokyo — Global Brain and Neutrino Japan

The Global Brain Alliance Forum 2018 & Other Events

Darren Toh
4 min readDec 12, 2018


We were honoured to receive an invitation by our newest strategic partner, Global Brain to present at their annual invite only Global Alliance Forum located in Tokyo with hundreds of its partner and portfolio companies present. While we were in town, we decided to connect with our local supporters, Japanese influencers, investors and developers.

Interview by CryptoTimes Japan

The Perlin team in Japan with the CryptoTimes crew.

We kicked off our Tokyo trip with an interview with local Japanese crypto influencer Arata and his team from CryptoTimes. The interview went off without a hitch and we were greatly pleased by their enthusiastic support for Perlin.

The CryptoTimes team also shared from their extensive local knowledge and experience to give us better insight into Japan and the local market landscape. We’ll be sure to post their article as soon as it’s released!

Perlin Meetup: The Next Wave of Distributed Tech

Hosted by Perlin with the help of Neutrino Japan and the Tokyo FinTech Meetup Group

This was the first time Perlin was in Tokyo, and we decided to host a meetup with the help of our friends at the Neutrino Japan Blockchain Coworking space in Shibuya (operated by OmiseGo and Global Brain) and the Tokyo FinTech Meetup Group (inspired by Deloitte). We invited a curated crowd of around 70 local Japanese developers, influencers investors and crypto enthusiasts to learn more about Perlin!

It was an intimate and very interactive meetup with the highly engaged crowd throwing out questions for our CEO Dorjee and CTO Kenta. Dorjee gave a big picture overview of our project, while Kenta went into more of a technical deep dive.

Driven by audience participation, we outlined the reasons why Perlin is ahead of our competitors, how we plan to drive mass adoption, the powerful advantages of our Wavelet Protocol (inspired by Avalanche), our aggressive pursuit of strategic partnerships, a teaser for potential token staking models to reward validator nodes, and more. The event finished off with some pizza and drinks to the delight of the community!

The Global Brain Alliance Forum 2018

This is an invitation-only event by Global Brain that brings together over 700 representatives from over 100 of its partner and portfolio companies, including CEOs, CTOs and other senior executives. The annual event is run to allow the participants to actively network, share experiences and expertise, and identify opportunities for collaboration. The blockchain session was our time to present on what Perlin has to offer.

Introduced to the stage by Takashi “Taka” Sano (Partner in Charge of Blockchain at Global Brain), Dorjee and Kenta gave the packed audience an insider’s view of Perlin — including detail of the impressive technical progress we’ve already made and our compelling business model for disrupting the cloud market. We also presented a dynamic demo of our cloud compute engine at work, leveraging the public Beta testnet iteration we recently released on 30 November.

Dorjee and Kenta presenting to over 800 CEOs and executives at the Global Brain Forum

Exposure to so many highly influential local tech pioneers, industry leaders and potential customers with significant cloud requirements was the perfect introduction for Perlin into Japan. And it didn’t end with the demo— afterwards we fielded a host of inquiries from interested attendees at our Perlin event booth.

Kenta and Dorjee at the Perlin booth, with Kenta focusing a bit more on the dev :)

Based on the overwhelmingly positive response from the audience and some heavy networking after our presentation, we’re confident that we’ll be adding many new demand, supply and other strategic partners in the huge and fast-growing Japanese market (watch this space!).

We were grateful to have such a busy booth!

The after-party was also a great opportunity to connect with reps from local movers-n-shakers and companies in a much more relaxed setting. Our move into Japan and the greater Asia-Pacific region just got a major jump start with Global Brain’s continued strong support in Japan and other markets where it enjoys a presence (like Korea and the US).

Next stop is to San Francisco to attend the World Digital Asset Conference!

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’Til Next Time

Darren Toh

