Perlin’s Weekly Update — September 24th, 2019

Our inaugural weekly update!

Daniel Ding
5 min readSep 24, 2019


Hey all!

I’m Daniel, the Head of Community for Perlin. You can find me hanging out in our Community Telegram channel. Feel free to come say hi and share your thoughts on this update or anything else you want to know about Perlin and what we’re doing.

We’re excited to give our community a look at what the Perlin team has been up to in the past week. From Ajay and TJ’s adventures in China to newspaper articles on Perlin’s awesome tech, we’ve got you covered in our weekly digest.

Our Roadshow in China…

Perlin’s Head of Product, Ajay Prakash, and Chinese Community Lead TJ traveled around China to help spread the word on Perlin’s incredible technology and partnerships to our community in the East.

Shanghai Blockchain Week
Ajay and TJ had multiple meetups with Perlin investors and partners to discuss the Chinese market strategy. They also met with potential exchange partners to discuss cross-marketing events.

A few of the vibrant Shanghai blockchain ecosystem community.

Developer Workshop
To start, they were joined with one of our core developers and co-authors of our latest whitepaper, Heyang, to run a developer workshop in Nanjing.

Heyang provided a keynote about WebAssembly smart contracts and persistent state, while Ajay explained why Perlin was different from other public blockchains, with a focus on our key partnership with the ICC.

Ajay demonstrating the pro’s of Wavelet to our community of developers.
Ajay explaining why Wavelet is great news for developers. Hint: WebAssembly support!

Developer adoption is one of the core objectives of Perlin, so we’re always looking to run workshops where we can introduce the power of our developer-friendly Wavelet to more people. Let us know if you want us to run a workshop in your area!

China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)
Next, Ajay spoke at the Trade Finance Annual Survey in Hangzhou about our enterprise trade products, and how Perlin is helping to digitize the international trade space — processes, systems and documentation.

Ajay speaking to senior bankers in China about Perlin’s focus on trade technology

An intimate dinner with our community in China.
Finally, the pair finished the trip with a dinner with our highly engaged Chinese community. No picture for this one. That’s how intimate it was 😉.

A livecast with the ICC

The International Chambers of Commerce (ICC) is one of our major partners, with more than 45 million unique businesses as members, encompassing 1.4 billion individuals. Perlin, as the ICC’s official technology partner, has the opportunity to build the next generation of digital Incoterms using blockchain technology.


That’s ok. The ICC sat down with Dorjee to break down what smart contracts can do for international trade in the ICC’s new 2020 Incoterms.

Check out that live cast here!

Perlin In The News…

Perlin’s contribution to the transparency of climate efforts by enterprises was mentioned in The Strait Times, one of the premier media outlets in SE Asia. One of Perlin’s goals is to utilize blockchain technology to create greater transparency to support more sustainable industries. Ultimately, Perlin sees a huge opportunity to help companies stay accountable and verify progress on their environmental commitments.

Mention of Perlin can be found in the last section, “Singapore’s Strategic Role”

Dorjee Debates…

“Look at the haze. I worked on the haze for 12 years. It’s because there are no clear definitive land rights and titles in Indonesia.

If you had that on an immutable, un-corruptable database, you could avoid these (unlawful) claims for land by burning and then planting.”

The CEO of Perlin, Dorjee Sun, was invited by EcoBusiness in Singapore to a debate about a topic he was deeply passionate about:

The potential for blockchain application in the energy transition is mostly hype”

Dorjee making a strong case for blockchain to revolutionize energy and carbon markets

Dorjee, having spent more than 10 years in the environmental space and being a passionate committed believer in the potential for decentralized systems to fight climate change was very much against the motion.

Watch it here! (Dorjee’s side of the debate is at 26:55 and 54:30)

Technical Updates

Wavelet: Our key lead dev Roy and his Wavelet team have been busy working to improve key aspects of the protocol, including:

  • Performance enhancements by deciding when and when not to create a balanced tree of transactions.
  • Bug fixes with data preservation on the ledger.
  • Memory synchronization & efficiency improvements.
  • Switched from Level DB to Badger DB based on benchmark comparisons in speed.
Benchmarks comparing Badger vs Level
  • Working on separating the CLI into a separate process that talks to the API.
  • Adding support for dumping and restoring ledger’s accounts and contract states. This is useful for exporting the database to another one.

Product Development: Kenta and his team have been working on iterating our trade products for our clients. They’ve already done three product demo’s to some huge partners that we can’t reveal yet 😉.

See you next week!


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Daniel Ding

Head of Community and Product Manager at Perlin