Singapore Government Supports Perlin to Deploy Blockchain Pilots

Enterprise Singapore will provide strategic, funding and network support for Perlin to establish and run a Centre for Future Trade to deploy commercial blockchain pilots for international traders

Darren Toh
3 min readJun 1, 2019



Dorjee was invited to speak at the Singapore Government’s Global Trader Forum and officially launch Perlin enterprise pilots under the newly established Centre of Future Trade.

The Singapore Government’s support for Perlin via its trade authority Enterprise Singapore was officially announced at the Global Trader’s Summit by by Dr Koh Poh Koon, Singapore’s Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade & Industry. Working closely with Enterprise Singapore and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Perlin will establish a Centre of Future Trade (CoFT) focused on supporting blockchain and DLT adoption across industries.

The Singapore-based CoFT will serve as an open digital platform to develop and deploy pilots for new technologies, innovation and adoption in the commodities industry and international trade. Perlin intends to launch blockchain, smart contract and tokenized pilots across different products including agriculture, metals, minerals, energy, chemicals and household goods.

Satvinder Singh, Assistant CEO of Enterprise Singapore, was quoted:

“Enterprise Singapore is pleased to see the ICC and Perlin working together on the CoFT, which embraces the use of innovation and technology as drivers of transformation for the commodities trading sector. The Centre capitalises on Singapore’s strengths as a leading trading hub, its skilled talent pool, and strong connectivity to the rest of the world. With CoFT, Singapore-based international trading companies will have more opportunities to test and develop strategies and new technologies that will put them in good stead to succeed in the ever-evolving trading industry.”

The Global Trader Forum brings together leaders from 80% of the world’s top commodities firms.

Our CEO Dorjee was also recently at the ICC’s 100 Year Summit celebrations in Paris to officially launch our enterprise solutions to an audience that included leaders from all the major business chambers worldwide and senior representatives from the United Nations, OECD, World Trade Organisation, UNFCCC, Unilever and a host of other major global companies. The benefit of the recently announced partnership with the ICC is that Perlin and the CoFT will immediately leverage their 45 million business members globally.

John Denton AO, Secretary General of the ICC was quoted:

“As the world’s largest business organization representing 45 million companies and more than 1.2 billion employees globally, ICC is uniquely positioned to effectively encourage the uptake of blockchain-based technologies at scale.” said John Denton, Secretary General of the ICC, “Through our collaboration with Perlin, we aim to create opportunities for our members to tap into blockchain’s tremendous potential in areas such as supply chain traceability, trade finance and anti-counterfeiting.”

The official launch of the CoFT and Perlin’s enterprise solutions kicks off what promises to be an exciting new phase of real world commercial pilots being deployed locally, regionally and globally.

