Week 1 Result of Buyback and Lock

CY Tan
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2020

Dear Community,

Perlin Foundation has purchased 243490.1545 PERL off the market in accordance with phase 2 of the tokenomics experiment. The TVL in liquidity pools has increased from $673k USD to $747k USD, with PERL locked for pxUSD increasing from $114k USD to $246k USD in the first week of this experiment.

We have distributed 193225.99820701 of PERL and 288.614154519 UMA this week, and users are required to claim their BAL reward from https://claim.balancer.finance/. The PERL bought back will be locked in this wallet. During the buyback and lock, the PERL will only be used to mint synthetic assets to simulate holders’ participating in our activities.

Phase 2 is focused on finding a sustainable balance between rewarding active participants and identifying a healthy rate of growth in platform participant numbers, any feedback is useful in optimising the future tokenomics experiment.

Have questions?

Join us on Telegram or Discord! We would be happy to answer them.

Send us feedback on the tokenomics experiment and on what pxAsset you’d like to trade/mint next!

Useful links

UMA Announces Developer Mining

PerlinX & UMA Synthetic PxAsset Minting

Part 1: Introducing PxUSD & what you can do with it
Part 2: All the Calculations & Values You Need to Know
Part 3: How do I Manage My Position?

PerlinX User Guides:

Providing Liquidity Guide
PerlinX Synthetic Asset Guide

Other PerlinX Links

Start Staking now: https://app.perlinx.finance
Community APR dashboard: bit.ly/PerlinX
Community Calculator tool for all sorts of calculations

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements on our channels:

Twitter | Discord | Telegram Announcements | Telegram Discussion

