Weekly Update #3 — Partnerships!

Two major signings with international and government bodies… what a week!

Daniel Ding
4 min readOct 20, 2019


Hey all!

Daniel here again.

It’s been a huge week for Perlin, filled with press releases and partnerships. Let’s dive deeper and explore the opportunities each provides.

Montenegro Memorandum of Understanding

Let’s start with the biggest — our Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Montenegro.

This MoU signed with the Montenegro Minister of Science gives Perlin access to the country’s top resources, such as its research laboratories, manpower, and monetary support. It also allows Perlin to launch its pilot programs in the country, allowing for the mass adoption of our products with the citizens in Montenegro and surrounding regions. This has the added benefit of fast-forwarding Montenegro’s entrance into the European Union, which as been in discussions since 2012.

What pilot programs is Perlin currently offering to the Montenegro Government?

Our current product offerings aim to improve the quality of life of Montenegro citizens by increasing cross-border trade efficiency, improving supply chain traceability and creating a transparent platform to monitor industry contributions to sustainable practices.

Some of these product offerings that you may have heard of are:

  1. Clarify: A blockchain and DLT-based supply chain traceability and transparency tool to support more sustainable supply chains across industries globally. Example of a pilot with Asia Pacific Rayon: followourfiber.com
  2. Global Ledger: A globally accepted blockchain-based framework with standardised performance indicators to measure the extent to which companies and countries meet their commitments under the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) or other ethical, sustainable and governance (ESG) requirements.
  3. TradeFlow: A system that allows users to map out blueprints the process for international trade. With each stage of the trade automated through self-invoked smart-contracts, this will increase cross-border trade efficiencies, particularly between trustless entities.
  4. ICC Smart Contract Suite: A digitalised version of the Incoterms operating on Wavelet with oracles such as nano-satellites, GPS, radar position and other sensors to record the stage of a trade.

International E-Registry of Ships (IERS)

Left: John W.H. Denton AO, Secretary-General of the ICC. Centre: Dorjee Sun, CEO of Perlin. Right: Steen Brodsgaard Lund, Chairman of SSA Digital Transformation Committee.

Perlin and the ICC has partnered with the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) to create the International E-Registry of Ships. This will aim to drastically improve the currently laborious ship registration and renewal process by placing the registry of ALL ships internationally onto the Wavelet ledger.

Perlin is launching its initial pilot with the SSA’s fleet of ships — the 5th largest fleet in the world with over 4,500 vessels. With the help of the ICC, we will then expand to international registers, creating a market of over 50,000 vessels each using Perlin’s suite of trade applications, creating hundreds of thousands of potential transactions per day.

…A market of over 50,000 vessels each using Perlin’s suite of trade applications.

This will be an exciting project that can demonstrate the time and cost savings associated with blockchain technology to large government and international bodies, paving the way for greater enterprise adoption.

Building Blocks To Fight The Haze

If you’ve been in South East Asia or seen the news recently, you would have seen or heard about the haze — a choking cloud of smoke hanging above the region, caused by the illegal burning of trees in Indonesia.

Both Perlin CEO Dorjee Sun and Head of Communications, Darren Toh have worked in the environmental space for more than a decade each, with a large portion of that time spent on fighting the haze.

With the introduction of blockchain technology, we now have the tools needed to keep industries accountable for their impacts on the environment by storing information on an immutable ledger.

Darren has written an article on Perlin’s initiative, Global Ledger, which is supported by the ICC, World Economic Forum, and Binance Charity. It aims to develop a coordinated regional and global set of standards and technology to create greater transparency and powerful new disincentives for ongoing environmental catastrophes caused by unsustainable practices such as the illegal land clearing by burning in Indonesia and Brazil.

Read the article by Darren HERE.

Sustainable Fashion by Asia Pacific Rayon

The journey of a rayon bale on followourfibre.com

Our Clarify pilot with Asia Pacific Rayon, Follow Our Fibre, has been live for a little over 5 months now. The platform stores supply chain data on the Wavelet blockchain, allowing anyone to track the origin and movement of APR’s rayon production, from seedling all the way to viscose rayon.

Follow Our Fibre will allow anyone wearing clothing made from APR’s viscose rayon to confirm the sustainable and ethical sourcing of their clothing with FOF’s end-to-end supply chain tracking.

That’s it for this week — we hope you’re proud of Perlin’s progress thus far. Our mission and goal of bringing blockchain into enterprise levels of adoption is moving along well, with 2 major partnerships secured.

Stay tuned for the next update!


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Daniel Ding

Head of Community and Product Manager at Perlin