Weekly Update #2– 8th October, 2019

Daniel Ding
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2019

An upgraded testnet and our first major Incoterms event!

Hey all!

We’ve had an exciting week at Perlin filled with technical developments and our first major Incoterms event. Let’s get right into it.

Testnet V0.2 Validator Node Release Launch

Start with what we’ve all been waiting for — you can now run your own validator node on our brand new Testnet V0.2!

This means you can now simulate rewards by staking on our test network and experience our novel Leaderless Proof of Stake consensus mechanism first hand. Better yet, the hardware requirements are extremely low, needing only 512MB RAM, 2 CPU cores and a healthy internet connection (>2 Mbps) to run a node. This makes staking possible on a laptop, or even a Raspberry Pi.

Our aim is to make staking available to as many people as possible regardless of the hardware they own, and thus become a form of universal basic income.

You can check out Ajay Prakash’s writeup on how rewards will be calculated and distributed to stakers on the network here. I highly recommend the read.

If you want to try your hand at running a node, head to the tutorial here.

Singapore Business Federation — ICC Incoterms 2020 Launch Event

Next, the team headed to the SBF Incoterms launch event to talk to potential future adopters of Perlin’s Smart Contract Suite (previously known as smartINCO’s). Representatives from companies such as BHP Billiton, Cargill, Standard Chartered, Rio Tinto and Trafigura attended to learn more about the changes to the 2020 rendition of the ICC’s Incoterms.

Confused? Don’t know what Incoterms are? No problem, click here to learn

A part of the Incoterms 2020 is the advent of the ICC’s Smart Contract Suite, a joint initiative between Perlin and the ICC to automate and digitise the process by which liability is transferred between parties during a trade.

Dorjee speaking to an audience of hundreds involved heavily in international trade.

Dorjee gave a keynote speech, followed by a cocktails event to talk about how Perlin would be revolutionising trade. He also gave a sneak-peak of our upcoming trade product, TradeFlow. More on that in the future 😉.

Empiricon 2019 — Sustainability and Technology

Darren speaking about the future of tech in sustainability.

Empiricon 2019 is a conference that explores how technology can help create a more sustainable world. At Perlin, our team is comprised of environmentally forward-looking individuals and so this was a conference we did not want to miss. Darren Toh, our Head of Communications spoke about how blockchain technology could keep industries accountable for their environmental impacts.

Here’s a quote from Darren that resonates with Perlin’s mission in the space:

“The commitments that the world made for the Paris 2020 agreements… not a single one has been met. So now the focus has moved to 2030.

These Sustainable Goals from the UN are incredibly inspiring and ambitious, but how do we measure where we are and when we’ve reached them? So that’s what we’re trying to explore (with blockchain), and the entire ecosystem needs to explore.” — Darren Toh

We’ll keep working hard to ensure blockchain has a positive impact on the environment. After all, when you have a CEO that’s worked in the environmental space for more than 10 years, it’s a given that it be our mission.

Darren with the other panelists!

And our second Bite-Sized Entry — TPS & Time to Finality

We’ve published the second piece of our Bite-Sized Entries, a series where you can learn about Perlin’s tech and business developments without reading more than a few paragraphs of text!

This entry explores Wavelet’s TPS and time to finality, and why it’s important in the real world. Check it out here

Technical Developments

Wavelet Team

  • Since the Testnet V0.2 launched earlier this week, Roy and the Wavelet team has been busy fixing bugs found by the community. Some community members reported unable to connect to the testnet host, which has since been addressed and will be pushed up with the Windows binary fix.
  • There has also been an identified issue with the Windows version of the Wavelet binary, which is being worked on at the moment.
  • An auto-updater has been added to all binaries, which will allow for rapid iteration with limited downtime in the future!

Trade Team

  • TradeFlow’s main functionality & UI is nearing completion. Something exciting will be happening soon with our clients… stay tuned to our socials for an announcement in the coming weeks.

Thanks for tuning in for this week’s update! Things are moving along at a rapid pace and we’re so excited for the future 💪

See you next week!

Say hi! and keep up with our developments on:



Daniel Ding

Head of Community and Product Manager at Perlin