Top 20+ Best all-time permaculture books by women

A curated collection of top-notch resources you might not have heard about

Heather Jo Flores


Inspiring women authors write about permaculture

Women have a high rate of participation throughout permaculture, but aren’t proportionally represented in leadership roles. The spotlight often goes towards men while women who are organizing and farming get overlooked. This can make it more difficult to find the work out there that women have done. In researching this article I was surprised to find that any combination of words I could think to type in around women writers in permaculture found few, or oftentimes no results.

So, to make it easier for everyone to find these excellent resources, I’ve compiled a list of female authors and their books, some in the permaculture movement, some who may not identify as permaculture designers, but who still wrote important books for self-sufficiency and gardening.

Listed in alphabetical order, by author’s last name:

Jenni Blackmore: Permaculture For the Rest of Us: Abundant Living on Less Than an Acre
A very readable, personal account of her twenty years of trial and error farming in Nova Scotia. A great read for anyone who can’t afford a large farm in a sunny climate.
In addition to being a micro-farmer Jenni is also a painter and certified Permaculture Design…



Heather Jo Flores

Farmer by day, writer by night. #foodnotlawns #permaculturewomen #freepermaculture. FREE online classes and forums at