Ten Things You Can Do to Save Water (and Yourself)

Translation: Essential steps towards the survival of the human species

Heather Jo Flores


an excerpt from Food Not Lawns, How to Turn Your Yard into a Garden and Your Neighbourhood into a Community, by Heather Jo Flores.

Flowforms purify and circulate water. Photo by Heather Jo Flores

Here are ten top strategies for saving our water and ourselves. They are in no particular order of importance — we’ll need to do them all, and more, if we are to reverse the tide of scarcity, pollution, and corporate control that threatens us today.

1. Eat Organic Food and Support Local Organic Agriculture.

Organic methods don’t use harsh toxins that pollute the water. Organic farms and gardens emphasize mulch and other soil stewardship practices, which means less erosion and/or salination of the soil, and less runoff and damage to waterways.

Local food means shorter distance from farm to table, which translates to less pollution from fossil fuels. If it is difficult to find local organic food, that’s a good reason to grow a garden.

Organic farming saves water and regenerates soil and microbial communities. Photo by Heather Jo Flores

2. Reject Corporate Globalization and



Heather Jo Flores

Farmer by day, writer by night. #foodnotlawns #permaculturewomen #freepermaculture. FREE online classes and forums at https://ecodesignhive.com