Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s Pointless Bosses

How To Beat Them (A Guide for Noobs)

Pablo Andreu


In-game screenshot via Steam

Deux Ex: Human Revolution is a great game. It’s got action. It’s got story. It’s got style. There’s just one problem: The bosses are awful.

No, I don’t mean in that pull-your-hair-out, develop-a-chemical-dependence-to-cope-with-your-shortcomings-as-a-human-being Dark Souls kind of way. I mean, the bosses in Human Revolution actively make the game worse. This is well-documented (apparently, the bosses were outsourced), but if you’re a noob like me, you got ambushed mid-game.

Here’s how to beat the bosses with (relative) ease so that you can enjoy the rest of this awesome game without getting stuck. (Note: These tips are for the Director’s Cut edition, which made some changes to the boss fights.)

In-game screenshot via Steam

Why the Bosses Make No Sense

Maybe you’re thinking, “Pablo, you’re just a feckless noob who can’t handle real challenges.” You’d be right, but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong about these bosses.

I’m OK with tough bosses as long as they test what you’ve already learned from the game’s mechanics. This guy explains…

