Shadow In the Night, Light In The Dark City: Remembering Kevin Conroy

A man who flew into the night, to stop evil and comfort the hurt.

Priya Sridhar
Permanent Nerd Network


Voice actors have to be talented at their job. You can’t just speak into a mic and expect people to fall over with awe. The work does need stronger unionization, as the 2016–17 strike showed. Someone speaking into a mic can change your life for the better.

One voice actor recently passed, Kevin Conroy. We know him best as the voice for Batman, the one and only Batman. It’s a shock, to think that he would pass. Batman is immortal, and Kevin Conroy always gave his all to the character, even in questionable projects like The Killing Joke. As a gay man building a career as an actor, he could relate to the concept of living dual lives.

According to NPR, Conroy was 66. He was only a few years older than my mom. That is young. What’s more, he never stopped being the Dark Knight. There is a tale that at a soup kitchen where he volunteering during 9/11, to feed those displaced by the tragedy, people recognized him and asked him to prove it. He complied with the most iconic line from Batman the Animated Series:

“I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman!”

Who Was Kevin’s Batman?



Priya Sridhar
Permanent Nerd Network

A 2016 MBA graduate and published author, Priya Sridhar has been writing fantasy and science fiction for fifteen years, and counting.