Smooth: The Journey To Clear Skin And A Clearer Head

Priya Sridhar
Permanent Nerd Network
5 min readDec 11, 2020


Having acne is such a curse and not necessarily a gift. I have many memories of trying painful creams and some antibiotics to reduce the amount of them. Thank goodness that my skin has mellowed before Accutane went on the table. The side effects scared me, and I considered the fact that my outer appearance was a bigger issue than what I had on the inside. Instead, I switched to sheet masks and using clay to reduce potential breakouts. Unsure if I have grown a lot on the inside, but a person can hope for that.

In Smooth, good skin is not the be-all solution to confidence. Heck, even the journey towards having good skin can lead to complications, from debating if you need to keep it a secret or what to do about your mood swings when they start coming with the peeling skin and dry lips. Smooth poses the question of if a magic bullet can solve all your problems. The answer is no, but it’s also not that straightforward. People have more problems in their life than bad skin. The question becomes if you are brave enough to see them and change your mind.

Smooth By Matt Burns

Kevin hates his face, and he thinks he is justified. Multiple pustules dot his face, and his dermatologist seems too excited about extracting them while she advises Kevin not to pop them. Kevin considers if the scars are worse…



Priya Sridhar
Permanent Nerd Network

A 2016 MBA graduate and published author, Priya Sridhar has been writing fantasy and science fiction for fifteen years, and counting.