First Round Capital Is Hiring!

Rob Hayes
Permanent Record
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2011

“How did you get into venture capital?”

I kind of hate that question. Not because I have any particular point of view on how I became a venture capitalist. No, I just don’t like it because like so many other people in the business I arrived here following a fairly unique path. Inevitably the person asking is trying to find a pattern that they can use to get into the business and my story isn’t helpful for them.

As I gear up to hire a new associate for the San Francisco office of First Round Capital I know there is no standard way to find the next person to join our team. Our current experience mix includes entrepreneurship, academia, banking, government, crime fighting, and some very poor scooter riding. No one here burst from the womb wanting to do venture capital yet here we all are having the time of our lives while we strive to make our portfolio companies successful.

Given that, how do we find the next person? I’m always game for trying a new model and so I am borrowing a bit from Angus Davis, the brilliant CEO of our portfolio company Swipely who builds his team in a very unique way.

If you are interested in working with us as an Associate, I’d love to hear from you. But instead of telling you what I am looking for, let’s start with you telling me a little bit about yourself. To structure the conversation I built this little website. Head over there, answer a few questions, and let’s start this conversation.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

