Outright Fantastic!

Rob Hayes
Permanent Record
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2012

I couldn’t be more thrilled for the team at Outright on their acquisition by GoDaddy today!

When the founders first approached me with their vision for a simple, approachable accounting solution for small businesses, it made tremendous sense. These businesses needed to minimize their time doing their books and maximize their time running their businesses but at the time there was nothing available between a spreadsheet and the complex software packages of the day. Outright built the right product, garnered 200,000 happy customers and now GoDaddy will expand Outright’s reach to their 10 million customers.

You cannot possibly imagine (or maybe you can) how hard it is to make an accounting product exciting. Steven, Ben and the team at Outright have really done a masterful job of making accounting engaging for the user. I tip my hat to them.

I can’t wait to see the next step in their journey as they become the cornerstone of the small business applications that GoDaddy will build over time. I wish them all the best of luck and look forward to seeing continued future success. And thanks for taking us along for the ride!

