How to Withdraw Your ASK Using and the Trezor Hardware Wallet
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2019

More ASK-Compatible Wallets Coming Soon!

Note: This how-to guide assumes you already have a Trezor hardware wallet setup properly and have the backup words stored safely away. If you have not setup or backed up your Trezor hardware wallet, please visit 38 for more information.

Step 1.

Go to

Step 2.

Read the welcome pages and click next until you reach the select wallet page.

Step 3.

At the top right of the page, you can click and select the network in which you want to connect.

Click ‘Show Other Networks,’ then click Permission (Select AUTO if offered).

Step 4.

After selecting Permission, you should see the network change to PERMISSION (PERMISSION.IO) in the top right of the page.

Step 5.

Connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer then click the Trezor button on the webpage. Upon clicking the Trezor button on the webpage, you will be presented with a button to “Connect to TREZOR”. Click the blue button.

Step 6.

Once you click the blue button, a popup or new tab will open asking for permission to export your public key to from the Trezor hardware wallet. Click the “Allow once for this session” button to confirm the action.

Step 7.

After clicking the blue button, you will be asked to “Export” your public key. Click the green button to Export your public key to

Step 8.

After clicking the Export button, you will need to enter your PIN for the Trezor device.

After correctly entering your PIN, you will be presented with a page to select an Account to use. Select an Account and click the blue Unlock button.

Step 9.

After Unlocking the Account you selected, you will be presented with the Account management page. This page includes your Account Address, Account Balance (if any), a blank for entering an Account address to Send to, and an amount to send.

Step 10.

If you need to change your Account, simply click the Change Wallet button to switch Accounts. You’ll follow the same process as in Steps 5–8.

Step 11.

To exit the Account management page, simply unplug your Trezor hardware wallet and close the webpage tab or window.



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