2FA, Testnet Wallets, and Personal Profiles are All Live On Permission.io

What, Why, and How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

Rachel Pekar
2 min readSep 24, 2018


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2FA is optional right now, but you’ll want to have it setup when the token launches. Here’s a step by step guide.

What Is the Point of 2FA?

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security that companies use to protect users’ from digital fraud.

Also called Two-Step Verification, it requires not only a password and username but also something that only the user has on them, such as an additional device and generated code.

Why Are We Using It?

We are all about data ownership and security at Permission. They are two of the foundational values that drive everything we do. That is why 2FA will be required once the token goes live.

How Do I Set Up 2FA On Permission.io?

Here are the 7 steps to setting up 2FA protection. 2FA is no longer required at login, but you should enable it before token launch.

  1. Click “Settings” in the Permission menu
  2. For easiest setup, we HIGHLY recommend that you log in to Permission from a computer, and download the 2FA app on your smartphone.

3. Download either Google Authenticator or Authy.

  1. Open your selected 2FA application and follow the on-screen instructions for adding a new site. The easiest way to add Permission to your authenticator app is by scanning the QR code displayed on your Permission screen with your smartphone’s camera.
  2. Next, you MUST download your 40-character passkey. If you lose your device, reset it, or accidentally delete your 2FA app, you will NEED your passkey to prove ownership of your account and get back in.
  3. Now, go back to your 2FA app and you’ll see a 6 digit code. For added security, this code changes every 30 to 40 seconds. Quickly enter it on your Permission screen.
  4. NICE! Now your Permission wallet and personal information are protected by two-factor authentication. Get back to watching and earning!

Still Having Trouble?

If you experience issues setting up Google Authenticator, go into the app’s settings and make sure that you have selected “Time correction for codes.”

Have more questions about 2FA? Join us on the Forum!

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