Web3 Marketing Survey: Statistics for Advertisers

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5 min readAug 30, 2023

Permission is pleased to present insightful findings from our recent survey, involving 1,299 respondents, and shedding light on the dynamic landscape of brand-user relationships in Web3.

Survey participants were aged 18+ and included Permission community members and Internet users across the USA and the rest of the world. Delving into the intricate relationships between individuals and brands, the Permission community survey focused on the critical issues of data ownership and mistrust stemming from data exploitation.

The results offer a compelling glimpse into the perceptions and sentiments of Internet users in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. By capturing valuable insights into topics such as users’ willingness to provide their email addresses to brands, concerns about data privacy and leaks, the prevalence of spam messaging, and the belief in fair compensation for data sharing, the statistics underscore the need for a more transparent, respectful, and equitable data economy.

The following statistics serve as a crucial foundation for understanding the transformative potential of projects like Permission, which can reshape the way brands and users engage, fostering a more empowered and ethical digital landscape.

The Spam Messaging Epidemic

In today’s web, it’s commonplace for companies to harvest, share, sell your data and retarget you with spam across the web and in your inbox, disrupting your online experience.

Such high percentage emphasizes user frustration with unwanted spam emails and texts, and the need for brands to engage customers respectfully and directly. Empowering users and valuing data ownership is crucial. Transparent, personalized communication strategies, backed by explicit consent, enhance reputation and counter spam, fostering meaningful customer connections.

By obtaining explicit consent (i.e., ASKing Permission) and offering personalized content, brands can mitigate the proliferation of spam and foster strong 1:1 customer relationships.

Demand for Data Ethics & Value Exchange

For brands, this underscores the evolving expectations of users in the digital age. If brands want users to opt-in to their marketing and share their data, they must offer an incentive. A rewards program such as Permission’s tokenized reward, ASK, can lead to stronger user trust and loyalty, as brands align with the growing demand for ethical data treatment.

For users, this statistic reiterates the growing awareness of the value their personal data holds and their desire for agency in its utilization. Web3’s potential to enable users to monetize their data could empower individuals economically while also fostering a more balanced and respectful data-sharing landscape.

The Data Breach Dilemma

The fact that 7/10 users worry about their email address being exposed via data breach underscores the importance of prioritizing data security and privacy. The trust and loyalty of users hinge on brands’ ability to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches.

For users, this accentuates the urgency for Web3’s promise of enhanced data ownership and control. Users will be able to minimize the risks associated with data leaks, as they maintain direct authority over who accesses their information.

Is Your Email Address Compromised?

Data is property, so the fact that 85% of users feel their property ends up in the hands of a stranger signifies that something has to change. Brands need to create a respectful, transparent data-sharing atmosphere by prioritizing user consent, and enabling control over personal info like emails. Consent-driven practices rebuild trust in a digital landscape valuing user sovereignty and data ownership.

Survey Takeaways and Action points for Web3 marketers:

Prioritize Transparent Data Economy: Acknowledge the demand for transparency, respect, and equity in data handling as Web3 reshapes the digital landscape.

Combat Spam Effectively: Engage consumers directly and respectfully. Value data ownership, employ personalized communication strategies with explicit consent to build trust and counter spam.

Empower Users and Reduce Spam: Leverage Web3’s potential to empower users, granting them control over their data to minimize spam. Utilize decentralized platforms and self-sovereign identities for selective data sharing.

Safeguard User Data: Address user concerns over data breaches, prioritizing data security and privacy. Build trust by ensuring sensitive data is protected against breaches.

Embrace Web3’s Data Ownership Promise: Recognize Web3’s value in enhancing data ownership and control for users. Leverage this urgency to enhance trust and reduce risks associated with data leaks.

Incentivize Ethical Data Sharing: Adjust to changing user expectations by offering incentives like ASK token rewards for user opt-ins and data sharing. Align these practices with ethical data handling for increased trust and loyalty.

Empower Users Economically: Acknowledge users’ growing awareness of personal data value. Enable users to monetize their data, promoting economic empowerment and fostering respectful data-sharing norms.

Respect Users’ Data Desires: Create a respectful and transparent data-sharing environment. Prioritize user consent to rebuild trust and credibility in a landscape valuing user sovereignty.

Leverage Decentralization for Data Control: Embrace decentralization to give users ownership and control over their data, including email addresses.

Permission: an Example for Web3 Marketers

A big thank you to all who participated in this survey! Permission is routinely seeking ways to enhance its platform and solve problems for users and advertisers in Web3. Our mission is to help individuals own and securely earn from their data and to connect advertisers and consumers on a permission basis. The insights and feedback gained from this survey affirm our product development efforts and validate that we continue to be on the right path. We look forward to further fulfilling our mission and serving as the leading example for marketers in Web3.

Originally published at https://permission.io on August 30, 2023.




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