Perpetual Growth Crypto — Market Update: June 15, 2017

Seth Goldfarb
3 min readJun 16, 2017

Original Post

Before You Go Calling This A Bloodbath…

Let’s keep in mind that this is a pretty understandable bloodbath. The expected raise of the interest rate by the Federal Reserve combined with less-expected news of a proposed crackdown on money laundering in the U.S. caused a panic sell that meant a lot of big, red numbers on coinmarketcap and a lot of panicky investors.

The report describing the bill could not have been more alarmist, but as investors it’s good to be aware of the possible implications of a situation like this and from that perspective we can forgive them for being overly thorough. Call it clickbait if you like; most bills don’t get passed and the bill seems to focus on the use of cryptocurrency as a money laundering tool rather than a target for direct investigation and if you believe in the technology then you know that the government can’t make cryptocurrency go away. I’m pretty much in agreement with this far more levelheaded assessment of the situation. Invest responsibly and you’ll be fine.

Swarm City Boardwalk Release

Swarm City released their platform Boardwalk today. I haven’t had a change to try it out yet but fixing ride sharing was one of the first ideas that ran through my head when I started learning about blockchain applications and decentralized organizations so I’m very excited to see that the idea has been implemented and expanded beyond any of my expectations! Swarm City is a complete sharing platform so you can share rides, you can share rooms like airbnb, tools, knowledge, anything people can think of and are willing to share can now be shared.

Trading Calendar

  • June 19: LTC added to Bitstamp.
  • June 27: Stellar Lumens Giveaway
  • June 26–28: Money 20/20 Europe
  • July 1: Zcash launches on AlphaBay

I would love to know what’s on your trading calendar as well as your thoughts on Swarm City and the state of the markets! Please leave comments, questions, love, and suggestions below. Follow and upvote if you found this useful!


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New to crypto? Here are some useful links!

Buying crypto?
Use Coinbase to buy and sell BTC, ETH, and LTC using my referral link and we both get $10 when you buy your first $100 in coin!

Coinbase alternative
Try Changely


Price Information


Your donations are greatly appreciated! Most donations go to promotion and site maintenance for to help spread useful information about cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin: 17KjLN1SLrWVHcuz1sih6hU2nLTECJvwpT
Ether: 0x16360998526cead5cb6804ff4fc4798593f4a98d
Litecoin: LdTP9gzG9SmnyHo9GPzhZ4dG6jfqjKSk3D
Dash: XnEe4Jx8xAXBm76fuKBXKxUsMLavPzBkNm
Golem: 0x16360998526cead5cb6804ff4fc4798593f4a98d

This is not intended for and should not be construed as financial advice. Do your own research before investing and never risk more than you can lose!

