The Kevin Bacon Problem

J Paul Daigle
Published in
7 min readFeb 24, 2018


  1. Download compressed .tsv files
  2. Import tsv files into postgres database
  3. Create phoenix.ecto project
  4. Connect project to tables from import step
  5. Code Here

Tech Stack

Postgres 10.x, Elixir 1.4+, Erlang 19+


This is a post about microservices. Actually, it’s a series of posts about microservices, because if I could put everything into one POST, it wouldn’t be a microservice.

Where we’re going in the future is to put three microservices up on Heroku, with Postgres databases, each one serving a small subset of the Internet Movie DataBase. Then we’re going to look at the problem of querying data across them, possibly creating a very small oracle of bacon along the way.

The three datasets are title.basics, which contains the names of movies and a unique identifier for each; name.basics, which contains the names of actors and crew and a unique identifier for each, and title.principals, which contains all the unique name/title combinations as well as some other data. Side note: On the website, title.principals is not described this way, and I've downloaded that data three times and gotten two different schemas, so YMMV.

These datasets are big enough that, if we want to do this project on Heroku’s free tier (which I do), we’re going to need to filter out a lot of data. But we want to filter out that data such that we have connections (via the title.principals dataset) between all the actors and movies that we select. Given that we’re taking a dataset with twenty-three million or so rows and breaking it down to a dataset of ten thousand, we could easily end up with disjoint actors and movies.

We’ll get into that requirement in more detail in a future post, in this post, we’ll set up to filter that data with Elixir. We’ll download the datasets, import them into a postgres database, create a phoenix ecto project, and write the schemas and configuration we need to connect to the existing tables.

Let us cut Footloose

Get The Data into Postgres:

The first step is to get the data and prepare it for import. This involves using head and tail to split the .tsv file in two:

$ wget
$ gunzip title.basics.tsv.gz
$ head -n 1 title.basics.tsv > title.basics.headers.tsv
$ tail -n +2 title.basics.tsv > trunc.title.basics.tsv
$ rm title.basics.tsv

Repeat with title.principals.tsv.gz and name.basics.tsv.gz. We should end up with six files, three containing the column headers, and three containing the column data. This will make importing into Postgres easier.

Now we want to create a postgres database. I created one owned by the postgres user, although I’m not sure that it matters. You have to execute the copy command as a root user, so we end up altering the grants on the tables anyway.

$ createdb -O postgres imdb_data
$ psql imdb_data

Create a table for the title.basics data. We can refer to the title.basics.headers.tsv file we created earlier for the column names.

imdb=# create table title_basics(
imdb(# tconst varchar(9),
imdb(# title_type varchar(80),
imdb(# primary_title varchar(512),
imdb(# original_title varchar(512),
imdb(# is_adult boolean,
imdb(# start_year smallint,
imdb(# end_year smallint,
imdb(# runtime_minutes int,
imdb(# genres varchar(80)
imdb(# )

Now that we’ve created a table for the title.basics data, we can import the trunc.title.basics.csv file that we created. Remember, this is the data without the header columns.

imdb=# COPY title_basics FROM '/path/to/trunc.title.basics.tsv';
COPY 4817652

Now update the privileges on the title_basics table so that the postgres user can access it.

imdb=# grant all on title_basics to postgres;

Now we repeat this process for trunc.title.principals.tsv and When I was doing this, I ran into some errors, either because the ordering of my columns didn’t match the tsv column ordering, or because I was using smallint where I should have used int, or I wasn’t allowing the varchar size to be large enough. Eventually, my final schemas looked like this:

data_imdb=# \d title_principals
Table "public.title_principals"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Defau
tconst | character varying(9) | | |
ordering | smallint | | |
nconst | character varying(9) | | |
category | character varying(80) | | |
job | character varying(480) | | |
characters | character varying(480) | | |

data_imdb=# \d name_basics
Table "public.name_basics"
Column | Type | Collati
nconst | character varying(9) |
primary_name | character varying(240) |
birth_year | smallint |
death_year | smallint |
primary_profession | character varying(180) |
known_for_titles | character varying(180) |

data_imdb=# \d title_basics
Table "public.title_basics"
Column | Type | Collation |
tconst | character varying(9) | |
title_type | character varying(80) | |
primary_title | character varying(512) | |
original_title | character varying(512) | |
is_adult | boolean | |
start_year | smallint | |
end_year | smallint | |

Make sure you have all your data loaded and your privileges set:

data_imdb=# select count(*) from title_basics;
(1 row)

data_imdb=# select count(*) from name_basics;
(1 row)

data_imdb=# select count(*) from title_principals;
(1 row)

data_imdb=# \dp
Access privile
Schema | Name | Type | Access privil
public | name_basics | table | paul=arwdDxt/pa
| | | postgres=arwdDx
public | title_basics | table | paul=arwdDxt/pa
| | | postgres=arwdDx
public | title_principals | table | paul=arwdDxt/pa
| | | postgres=arwdDx
(3 rows)

If that looks more or less like what you’re looking at, you’re ready to move on.

Connect the database to a Phoenix project

We’re going to use Ecto for the next part, and for convenience, we’re going to create an Phoenix ecto project. We’ll probably put the microservices we’ll be building in a later post into this same umbrella project.

$ mix new --umbrella dataday
$ cd dataday/apps/
$ mix data_munger

This project assumes that there is a data_munger database, which we will create next time. The config for that database is already set up. To connect to our imdb_data database, we need to add configuration to /data_munger/config/dev.exs.

config :name_basics, DataMunger.ImdbRepo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
database: "imdb_data",
hostname: "localhost",
pool_size: 10

We also need to add the new DataMunger.ImdbRepo to our supervision tree. In data_munger/lib/data_munger/application.ex

def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

supervisor(DataMunger.Repo, []),
supervisor(DataMunger.ImdbRepo, []),
], strategy: :one_for_one, name: DataMunger.Supervisor)

Now if we write a schema for one of the tables, we should be able to access it. Create a file data_munger/lib/data_munger/name_basic.ex:

defmodule DataMunger.NameBasic do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
alias DataMunger.NameBasic

@primary_key{:nconst, :string, []}
schema "name_basics" do
field :birth_year, :integer
field :death_year, :integer
field :primary_name, :string


@doc false
def changeset(%NameBasic{} = name, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:nconst,
|> validate_required([:nconst, :primary_name])

You might notice the line @primary_key{:nconst, :string, []} above the schema definition. When we created this table, we didn't give it an autoincrement id, but there is a good natural key we can use in the dataset, the nconst value, so we can instruct Ecto that we'll use that as the primary key.

Let’s test our new schema in iex:

iex(1)> require Ecto.Query
iex(2)> Ecto.Query.from(
...(2)> n in DataMunger.NameBasic,
...(2)> where: ilike(n.primary_name, "Natalie Portman"),
...(2)> select: n) |>
...(2)> DataMunger.ImdbRepo.all()

00:37:47.847 [debug] QUERY OK source="name_basics" db=1
SELECT n0."nconst", n0."birth_year", n0."death_year", n
0."primary_name" FROM "name_basics" AS n0 WHERE (n0."pr
imary_name" ILIKE 'Natalie Portman') []
%DataMunger.NameBasic{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata
<:loaded, "name_basics">,
birth_year: 1981, death_year: nil, nconst: "nm0000204"
, primary_name: "Natalie Portman"}

Fun fact, Natalie Portman’s Bacon/Erdős number is lower than Kevin Bacon’s, but not lower than Paul Erdős’s.

We can repeat this with the other two tables. One thing is, we don’t have a natural key for the title_principals table, so we should go ahead and add an automatic autoincrement column to that table, if we don't, Postgrex will not be happy and we won't be able to search the table.

data_imdb=# alter table title_principals
data_imdb-# add column id
data_imdb-# serial primary key;

Once we’ve added an id column to the table, we can add the schema file /data_munger/lib/data_munger/title_principal.ex with the contents:

defmodule DataMunger.TitlePrincipal do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
alias DataMunger.TitlePrincipal

schema "title_principals" do
field :nconst, :string
field :tconst, :string
field :category, :string
field :characters, :string
field :ordering, :integer

@doc false
def changeset(%TitlePrincipal{} = title, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:nconst,
|> validate_required([:nconst, :tconst])

And test our new schema in IEx:

iex(6)> Ecto.Query.from(                
...(6)> n in DataMunger.TitlePrincipal,
...(6)> where: n.nconst == "nm0000204",
...(6)> select: n,
...(6)> limit: 1) |>
...(6)> DataMunger.ImdbRepo.all()

01:22:47.033 [debug] QUERY OK source="title_princip....
SELECT t0."id", t0."nconst", t0."tconst", t0."categ....
[%DataMunger.TitlePrincipal{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.....
category: "actress", characters: "[\"Nina\"]",
id: 1437846, nconst: "nm0000204", ordering: 9,
tconst: "tt0185275"}]

I’ve truncated some of the output, but it should look something like that.

Finally, we add the title_basics schema (/data_munger/lib/data_munger/title_basic.ex), this time using the tconst field as a natural key:

defmodule DataMunger.TitleBasic do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
alias DataMunger.TitleBasic

@primary_key{:tconst, :string, []}
schema "title_basics" do
field :primary_title, :string
field :original_title, :string
field :start_year, :integer
field :end_year, :integer

@doc false
def changeset(%TitleBasic{} = name, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:nconst,
|> validate_required([:nconst, :primary_name])

And verify that we have access:

iex(9)> Ecto.Query.from(               
...(9)> t in DataMunger.TitleBasic,
...(9)> where: t.tconst == "tt0185275",
...(9)> select: t) |>
...(9)> DataMunger.ImdbRepo.all()

03:28:42.722 [debug] QUERY OK source="title_basic.....
SELECT t0."tconst", t0."primary_title", t0."origi.....
[%DataMunger.TitleBasic{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Me.....
end_year: nil, original_title: "Developing",
primary_title: "Developing", start_year: 1994,
tconst: "tt0185275"}]

Next, we’re going to work on how to start filtering through this data. The code up to this point is available here, and my first pass at solving all these problems is available here if you want to read ahead.



J Paul Daigle

Father, husband, code monkey, experimental mathematician and conventional musician.