A summary of the Perry Street architectural blog series

Eric Silverberg
Perry Street Software Engineering
2 min readMar 13, 2023

At PSS we have written a number of technical blog series and posts, linked below. Each gives you a window into our approach to software development and architecture. We also have more articles on our main medium website.


Stop Debating in Code Reviews. Start Enforcing with Lint Rules.

How to enforce architecture and best practices as unit tests with Konsist (March, 2024)

Read more here

Resilient Deployment Strategies with Amazon ECS

Deployment strategies that are simple to execute, debug during failure, and mitigate worst-case scenarios (February, 2024)

Read more here

The Unit Testing Diet

A two-part series about scaling unit tests while enabling refactoring on mobile apps. (April, 2023)

Featured in: ProAndroidDev

Start the series here

Clean Api Architecture

A six-part series on our approach to building server-side APIs. Topics include API design history, monads (yes!), applying Clean to web APIs, and how to build endpoints. (May, 2021)

Featured in: ITNext, Geek Culture, Nerd for Tech

Start the series here

Clean + MVVM for consistent architecture on iOS & Android

A nine-part series on how we build consistent architectures on iOS + Android using Clean and MVVM. (December, 2020)

Featured in: Start it Up, ITNext, Better Programming

Start the series here

Merging RxJava Observables considered harmful

A three-part series on how to safely merge reactive java streams. (May, 2021)

Featured in: ProAndroidDev, Android Weekly #468

Start the series here

Android Activity Lifecycle architecture

A six-part series on how to improve upon the Android activity lifecycle to successfully respond to process deaths. (February, 2021)

Featured in: ProAndroidDev, Start it Up

Start the series here

Technology & Libraries

Errors are Features, not Bugs!

A declarative UI architecture for error rendering in SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose. (February, 2023)

Read it here.

Ping-pong programming & TDD

Boost your development skills by teaching and learning with your teammates. (November, 2022)

Read it here

Solving the Moshi enumeration problem using generics

How to solve Moshi’s limitation on Android when parsing enums using generics and reified type parameters. (November, 2022)

Featured in: ProAndroidDev, Android Weekly #545

Read it here

Improve Your Swift Tests With “justBeforeEach”

How to use the newest feature in the Quick BDD testing framework for Swift to make your tests simpler and more DRY. (September, 2022)

Read it here

Memory Leaks in Reactive Android Programming

How common RxJava & LiveData patterns on Android can lead to unexpected memory leaks. (March, 2022)

Featured in: ProAndroidDev

Read it here

One more thing

If you’re a mobile or server developer who enjoys architecture, are interested in working for a values-first app company serving the LGBTQ+ community, talk to us! Visit https://www.perrystreet.com/careers for info about jobs at Perry Street Software

