Nice and sustainable gift wrapping

How can I wrap gifts without creating packaging waste? We have compiled some original ideas for adding a nice personal touch.

3 min readDec 13, 2019


Make your own gift wrap

Whether using old magazines, comics or newspapers, depending on the interests of the recipient, you can create really original gift wrap for presents. It may be that you share a love of making music and have a few old music scores to hand. Or perhaps you would like to wrap up something you sewed or knitted yourself and still have the sewing pattern. Whatever it may be, your gift idea can become something quite special if it is wrapped with a personal touch.

Do you have a passion for baking? Brilliant! How about making sweet name badges out of biscuit dough? You can write the name of the recipient — or even just their initials — on them in sugar icing. If you pierce a hole in the biscuit prior to baking, you can also thread some ribbon through afterwards.

Photo by Pietro de Grandi on Unsplash

Reuse gift wrap

It goes without saying that this is only possible if it is still largely intact and not creased. To make sure that you do not ‘regift’ the paper to the person who sent it to you in the first place, you should ideally make a note of the name on the back with a pencil. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be gift wrap that you reuse. Romantic gift wrap can also be created using the kind of tissue paper in which new items of clothing have been wrapped. A strong cord wrapped around the gift also goes very nicely with this.

Photo by Nynne Schroder on Unsplash

Zero-waste gift wrap with fabric

You can get by without any packaging waste if the packaging is also part of the gift — for example, with the aid of cloth bag that you also give to the recipient. Simply tie the handles in a knot so that there is still something to ‘unwrap’. People in Japan have been doing this for a long time. It is known as furoshiki, a piece of cloth that serves as both gift wrap and a bag. Here are some possible wrapping methods that you could use:

Spread out the cloth flat in front of you. Position your gift in the centre (1) so that you can place two of the opposing corners over the gift one after the other (2). If the corners overlap, you can tuck them beneath the gift (3). Now take the other two corners and fold them over to the centre of the gift (4+5) and tie them with either a single or double knot, depending on the length of the items (6). If you prefer, you can also tie a looser bow (7).

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