[Archives] Community Newsletter #12 — September 2021

Persistence Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2021

Note: Persistence has pivoted to liquid staking and building DeFi primitives to increase the utility for staked assets. This article is only for archive purposes. Refer to Persistence’s official blog for the latest updates.

In Super September, we had our engines primed to launch pSTAKE in conjunction with Alpha Finance after repeatedly surpassing all expectations during the capped launch. To celebrate, we started an Airdrop campaign & hosted a pSTAKE launch party, which reached its registration limit within 90 minutes of the announcement going live!

The Persistence team were also proud supporters of the ‘HackARThon’ in conjunction with ArtBasel supporting innovation in the art market with NFT development. This sector will become increasingly important to XPRT stakers as the development of Asset Mantle heats up in the coming months.

In addition, we crossed $47 Million TVL on Osmosis, held a governance vote, XPRT was listed on Kucoin & Huobi as we continued to gain media attention, we were featured in numerous publications such as this article on the merits of Liquid staking by Cointelegraph.

We are just warming up. Wait until you see what we have in store for October!

Read the rest of this article on our official blog: https://bit.ly/3NpgEVH

About Persistence

Persistence is a Tendermint-based, specialised Layer-1 network powering an ecosystem of DeFi applications focused on unlocking the liquidity of staked assets.

Persistence facilitates the issuance and deployment of liquid-staked stkASSETs, allowing users to earn staking rewards while participating in DeFi primitives, such as lending/borrowing and liquidity provisioning on DEXs.

Persistence aims to offer a seamless staking and DeFi experience for PoS (Proof-of-Stake) users and enable developers to build innovative applications around stkASSETs.

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