[Archives] Cosmos StakeDrop Begins October 26th! $50,000 Worth of XPRT will be Allocated to ATOM Stakers!

Persistence Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2020

Last week, we announced that we will be launching our first StakeDrop campaign on the Cosmos Network. This will begin at 12:00 am PDT on October 26th. A total of 200,000 of Persistence’s native XPRT tokens (worth $50,000 at the most recent valuation), will be allocated to ATOM stakers during the campaign.

Every ATOM staker will be eligible to earn up to 5,000 XPRT tokens, simply by staking on the Cosmos Network!

Read the rest of this article on our official blog: https://bit.ly/3xIt84H

About Persistence

Persistence is a Tendermint-based, specialised Layer-1 network powering an ecosystem of DeFi applications focused on unlocking the liquidity of staked assets.

Persistence facilitates the issuance and deployment of liquid-staked stkASSETs, allowing users to earn staking rewards while participating in DeFi primitives, such as lending/borrowing and liquidity provisioning on DEXs.

Persistence aims to offer a seamless staking and DeFi experience for PoS (Proof-of-Stake) users and enable developers to build innovative applications around stkASSETs.

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