5 Ways how technology is the Superhero India needs

Persistent Systems
Persistent Insights
1 min readAug 3, 2017

Move over, vigilante justice! Technology will now be the messiah we ordered! Read on to know how technology will bolster India’s superpower aspirations…

  • Corruption? Wrong country, Captain!
    With easy traceability and tracking, Blockchain will be the merciless vigilante unmasking dirty-money hoarding baddies!!!
  • Swooping down on Tax-evaders
    Big data and Analytics will generate insights to effortlessly identify those who have not paid their dues on the sly. Watch out folks, the color black isn’t going to be flattering for your moolah!
  • Time to wield that tri-color saber and Alert All Commands!
    Gamification will bring about behavioral change and encourage citizens to take active part in shaping the future of our country. No more sitting on the sidelines, folks! Go on, prove your patriotism!
  • Paperwork, thou art banished!
    Digitization of records is going to bring in efficiency and transparency. “I miss paperwork!” said nobody. Ever.
  • Let’s Clear the Air…
    IoT sensors will now monitor pollution and trigger alerts cleaning up the air we breathe and enabling us to see star-filled skies, again…

Originally published at blog.persistent.com on August 3, 2017.

