Meet the Persona: Uche Ugo

Persona by Layrz
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2016

This edition of Persona brings closer to you the Creative Director at UCHEUGO DIGITAL, Uche Ugo himself.

Uche Ugo

Tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Uche Ugo, I solve brand identity & design problems by creating experiences for upstarts, entertainment brands, personal brands, and corporate brands.

What role did growing up play in leading you down this path?
Actually, I never thought of doing what I am doing today. Growing up, I remember my first drawing at the age of 10, it was a horse I drew in the class. I did another drawing of my Dad in his office and my Mum was so pissed at me. I don’t know why she was so mad at me, maybe she was so mad at the poor drawing. Lol. I abandoned the whole thing and focused on my studies. Somehow, it found me back.

Logo for UCHEUGO Digital

How did you start out?
I started out professionally, 6 years ago. I was given an opportunity to work as an art director with one of the best advertising agencies in Nigeria. I learned a lot that guided me through my journey. I’m still learning and I can’t afford to stop learning. Everything I learnt shaped me in the way I think, the way I communicate my ideas, and the way I bring my concepts to life. I’m not just a graphic designer, I’m a communicator — a total package :).

I’m not just a graphic designer, I’m a communicator.

If you had the chance for a do-over, what would you have done differently?
The way I started off my career. But patience is a virtue. I’m very fine.

What’s a regular day like for you?
My regular day almost same like other creative professionals. Lol.

Work-life balance?
To be sincere, it hasn’t been easy. Every entrepreneur knows work never stops when you set out to grow and thrive. It is good to be BUSY, but be PRODUCTIVE. From experience, if you juggle multiple projects, you might lose your focus. I have learned to manage this well. For instance, I leave my workstation, just go unwind and come back refreshed. Sometimes, I put my phone on silent mode because I don’t want to be distracted. This brain needs to ‘Netflix and chill’.

Lost by Uche Ugo

Finances. How rewarding is the hustle?
It is very lucrative o. Very rewarding, I must confess. *Straight face*

What would we always find in your bag?
My laptop, tablet, wi-fi device, water flask, notepad, pen, USB cable and my external hard drive.

Future projects?
This year, I’m working on a visual storytelling documentary on domestic violence and a digital product for entertainers/celebrities.

Be in competition with yourself.

Advice for the starters.
1. Passion! Passion! Passion! Learn! Learn! Learn! Repeat.
2. Be in competition with yourself.

Logo for Tilt Lounge
Album art by Uche Ugo

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