The Day I Won The Designers Arise Contest (DAC) Live Edition

Ìfẹ́olúwa Ṣópéjú
Persona by Layrz
Published in
9 min readApr 3, 2018
Receiving N100,000 cash prize from Mrs. Noella Ekezie, Founder and CEO, Ellae Creative alongside Mr. Fisayo Fosudo, Graphics Designer & Influencer and Mrs. Banke Alawaye, a Business Consultant
Receiving flight ticket to Dubai from Mrs. Noella Ekezie, Founder and CEO, Ellae Creative alongside Mr. Fisayo Fosudo, Graphics Designer & Influencer and Mrs. Banke Alawaye, a Business Consultant

I have been following Ellae Creative Agency for over a year and I must confess they have an amazing brand. I was going through Instagram about a week to the Designers Arise Contest (DAC) and I came across a flyer on Ellae’s Instagram handle, calling for designers to participate in the March edition of the DAC, titled ‘Let’s Design Together’.

Let’s Design Together Flyer

It was expected to be a live edition, totally different from previous editions where designers create works based on a specific theme provided by the agency and thereafter submit their entries for assessment. Entries received are thereafter evaluated based on certain criteria and prizes given to the top 3 winners with cash prizes of N25,000, N15,000, and N10,000 respectively.

I have never participated in previous editions, but I thought to take part in this edition because it was a live event and I wanted to see what I could do in such a time-bound condition. Most importantly, I wanted to meet fellow designers whose works I admire and have never met before. This edition was just the perfect platform for me.

I selected a couple of my works and submitted them via the portal provided by the agency, hoping I would be selected amongst the 40 top-notch designers to be invited for the contest. A few days after, I had forgotten that I applied to be a part of the contest, as I had plans to travel out of Lagos to attend an event of a friend who was launching a beauty hub in Ibadan, Shanyi Organics Beauty Hub.

Three (3) days to the launching of the beauty hub, I received an email from a staff of Ellae congratulating me for being amongst the 40 designers selected and invited from the over 300 applications received, to attend the event.

I was number 3 on the list of invited designers

I began to contemplate whether or not to go for my friend’s launching or to attend the DAC. It took me about a day or two to decide on what to do. I reached out to my friend to let her in on the recent developments and what I plan on doing.

I then decided to attend the contest, and thereafter head for Ibadan the same day, after the contest, to catch up with the launching. My sole reason for deciding to go for the competition was to have fun, network, connect with other designers, and most importantly learn, which I did.

While I was looking forward to the event on Saturday, I went on Ellae’s website, understudied every bit of the agency, their style, approach to projects, going through a number of case studies they had on their website.

Saturday came, and I set out of the house very early in the morning, so I could get to the event in time, as we were all expected to be at the venue for 8 am.

I thought to leave home by 7 am since I was to use the ferry to the Island, knowing I would get there in about 45 minutes. I took a bike from my house to the jetty and while in transit, I was listening to Bishop T.D. Jakes's message, titled, ‘And It Came To Pass’. I really do not know why I clicked play on that sermon out of a whole lot of sermons on my phone.

Lo and behold, I got to the jetty only to be told CMS was the only route for the day. At this time, it was already 7:30 am and I was to be at the venue by 8 am.

I reached for my phone, checked Google Maps to see what traffic was like from the jetty to Lekki. It was approximately 56 minutes ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), so I knew the road was quite free and I would be there in an hour (one hour late from the time we were to get there).

In transit to Ellae DAC Live Edition

Did I think of going back home? Yes. Did I think of heading straight to Ibadan? Yes. On the other hand, I still made up my mind about going to the event. I launched the Taxify app, booked a ride, and in 10 minutes, I was headed to Lekki by road. Apparently, I spent times five (x5) of the fare I would have spent had I gone by ferry.

Getting to the venue at about 8:45 am, I registered my name, networked with a few designers I had already known. A few minutes after I got in, the event was set to start.

Mrs. Noella Ekezie, Founder and CEO, Ellae Creative gave a brief introduction stating the reasons for organising the live contest. She further read the brief for the contest. Afterward, we were given about 30 minutes to get every asset required for the task at hand.

It was 11:00 am, the contest began and we were expected to complete the task at 1:00 pm (two hours duration). Every designer got to execute the brief the best way they could and with the most effective approach for them. For me, my approach was a bit ‘weird’ or ‘insane’, in my own opinion.


Like I said earlier, I had done my research and homework, which most designers did. I researched and had a thorough background study before the event.

Always research and make background findings about places, people and processes.

The brief

I also spent a lot of time to understand the brief. While other designers got on their laptops, I took about an hour away from my laptop to reread the brief, develop content, and plan the layout of my design. As a fellow contestant, Onaopemipo Rufus said, ‘…he literally used half of the time to sharpen his axe so cutting the tree was seamless’.

Always take time to understand a brief before launching your design software.

What my notepad looked like after brainstorming.

Within that period, I also took time to go through each asset in the folders given to us. I went through every single image and mockup (about 300 images and mockups). Immediately I found an image or mockup that I loved or that I thought I could manipulate and I felt would best showcase my design, I selected it and developed copies from the images selected, contrary to the norm of developing copies, and afterward, searching for appropriate images to go with the copies. I ensured these copies were simple, clear, and spoke to the target audience and demographics. I guess that gave me an edge over other entries.

Trust your process. Keep It Super Simple (KISS). There is class in simplicity.

Immediately I was settled and satisfied with my selections and choices, I launched my design software, Corel Draw, and Photoshop precisely, to execute the brief. Although, mockups provided were low res images and in PNG and JPEG formats, I was still able to manoeuvre my way even though I am not so good with Photoshop.

In such little time, I was able to deliver on these creatives, one I could beat my chest on, knowing I had done an amazing job. Even if I did not win any prize, I was so proud of what I had done in little time.

My creatives for the contest

After we had submitted our entries and were waiting for the amazing judges in the trio of Mrs. Noella Ekezie, Mr. Fisayo Fosudo, and Mrs. Banke Alawaye (of blessed memories), I got to see one of the creatives submitted by a fellow contestant and I was like WOWWWWWWWWWW!. At that point, seeing what he had done, I just knew deep down that I stood no chance of winning any prize with what I had done.

R — L: Mrs. Noella Ekezie, Founder and CEO, Ellae Creative, Mr. Fisayo Fosudo, Graphics Designer & Influencer and Mrs. Banke Alawaye, a Business Consultant

In fact, at about past 3 pm, I was almost leaving the venue so I could get on my trip to Ibadan for my friend’s launching as time was not on my side. While I was contemplating leaving, the judges were done with the assessment and collation of results.

The moment everyone had been waiting for was finally upon us — the announcement of the winning entries. The 3rd place winner was announced (my name was not mentioned). I felt, well I might be lucky enough to be 2nd place winner, so I kept hope alive. The 2nd place winner was announced (my name was still not mentioned, but the contestant I earlier said his works WOWED me). At that point, I had lost hope and belief and knew I certainly won’t be called as there could be only one winner. It was at that point I wished I came 3rd.

The climax of the event was the announcement of the 1st place winner. Everyone stayed glued to their seats, anxious to hear their names called (certainly not me).

To my greatest surprise, the moment my name was called as 1st place winner, I was stunned, shellshocked, and spellbound. Never did I expect to be called. I could not get up for a couple of seconds.

After I was announced winner of the contest

My mouth agape, hands on my head, it was as though I was dreaming or watching a movie. I started asking myself some rhetorical questions, did I just win N100,000? Did I just win a ticket to Dubai? Is my name Ifeoluwa Sopeju? Did I hear my name? Was it my name that was called?

It still feels as though I am dreaming.

The recognition this win has brought me is unquantifiable.


This feat is past and I am looking forward to greater heights, challenges, and mountains to conquer. I want to quickly forget about this, and focus on greater things that lie ahead.

In all, I am grateful to God and I dedicate this win to him who made it possible; the over 300 designers who applied; the 40 designers who were selected and participated in the live contest; my followers and well-wishers. We are all winners.

Top-notch designers at the Ellae DAC Live Edition

In all sincerity, this happened to be my first ever design competition or contest. I am happy to have been selected and eventually won the Grand Prize. I never knew I would win because I know the caliber of designers that were invited for the contest and I must confess, they are really good and deserve to win.

I am thankful and grateful to Ellae Creative Agency for putting up an amazing event with the aim of developing and growing the design ecosystem, which I believe has raised the bar for other creative agencies, as no one has done such before. I also thank the sponsors, Wakanow, Guaranty Trust Bank, and Red Bull Nigeria.




Ìfẹ́olúwa Ṣópéjú
Persona by Layrz

Founder, ONEDABRAND DESIGN AGENCY | Professional | Brand Identity Specialist | Friendly | Inquisitive | Sociable | Passionate about creativity