The Value of My Investment in the 30-Day LogoMarch Challenge

Ìfẹ́olúwa Ṣópéjú
Persona by Layrz
Published in
7 min readApr 6, 2018

Last month, I took part in the 30-day @thelogomarch challenge, with the sole aim of improving my design skills rapidly, through consistent practice.

Every single day, briefs and tasks were posted on the dedicated WhatsApp group at 12 midnight, with participants expected to turn in their entries on or before 9pm same day, to be qualified for a review and critique session, else your design will not be reviewed, thereby losing the opportunity to receive feedback on areas for improvement.

It was truly an exhilarating challenge as every one tried to beat the deadline.

See below my entries for the 30-day marathon.

I invested a lot since I joined the challenge all in an attempt to become a better brand identity specialist. While I thought of giving up and quitting at some point, I remembered this quote by Robert Schuller, ‘Tough times never last, but tough people do’. This kept me going, with my eyes focused on the goal.

‘Tough times never last, but tough people do’.

I remember one of the Sundays when I had a speaking engagement at a Youth Church, I arrived at the venue and while waiting for the event to start, I was busy researching, sketching and ideating for the brief of the day, which happened to be a re-branding for @emzornigeria.

At about 7pm after the event, I got into the car, but rather than drive home, I reached for my laptop and started executing my already sketched idea right in the car, knowing that if I drove straight home, I would not be able to submit the day’s entry before deadline.

I ensured I completed the design and submitted on the dedicated WhatsApp group before 9pm.

Was I fulfilled? Yes. I achieved something for the day, at the least.

This amongst others is just a tip of the iceberg, a bit of the many sacrifices and behind the scene experiences that produced these logos that some of you eventually saw, loved, critiqued and gave honest feedback on.


Surprisingly, some of my contacts and friends on my social media platforms who had been following the challenge got to know that the designs were for fictitious companies and were not for real clients (money paying clients).

They probably felt I was just having fun or simply less busy, but I only, knew the pain I was going through participating in the challenge, coupled with meeting some clients deliverables.

While some asked how much I charge for logo designs, some felt since I was designing these logos for free, they thought in all honesty that I could design theirs for free. Hence, they started soliciting that I designed their logos for free.

Some (either jokingly or seriously) said I should include their logo as part of the challenge. Even though we both smiled and laughed over it, I knew I wouldn’t have the time for it.

Most importantly, now that I run a business, every investment — tangible or intangible, quantifiable or unquantifiable, is expected to be rewarding (in the short term or long term); if not to me, but to the business at large.

I thought to myself, if only these people knew I was investing time, money, energy, research to the challenge.

If only they knew I took on the challenge with the major goal of developing, building and stretching my design muscles, critical thinking, thought process, design thinking and speed, they would have understood better.

If only they knew my investment in the challenge was worth millions of Naira.

If only they knew that the path I’ve chosen for myself isn’t a hobby, but business.

I began to ask myself, if 50 friends reached out to me and I designed their logos for free, would they value it? Wouldn’t they place more value on a logo they paid a dime for than on a free logo?

I soon remembered those days when I designed logos for free for a number of my friends who eventually didn’t use it. I still feel bad when I see designs I had done for friends that eventually was dumped and not used after spending so much time.


I only imagined how much I would have made from this challenge, had these businesses or companies been real and not fictitious ones.

I did my calculations based on how much I charge per logo design and it ran into millions of naira.

I thought to myself, I’d have become a millionaire in just one month, just like that, for consistently design a logo per day.

Did I lose? No.

Did I win? Maybe, maybe not.

One thing I know is, I INVESTED and the dividend will soon pay off.

Have the referrals started coming in? Yes.

I do not regret ever taking part in the challenge because I’m so certain one of these logos I designed will land me a million naira gig in multiples.

One thing is certain, my value as a designer has appreciated.

I’m better than I was prior to the challenge.

I’m better poised to serve paying clients better.

My fears have been challenged and I’ve learnt a few tricks when it comes to designing identities for brands.

In few days or weeks time, I’ll share an electronic copy (PDF), which will contain a comprehensive compilation of my entries for the 30-day LogoMarch Challenge.

I hope upcoming designers will find this resourceful and it will be a source inspiration to them.

On a final note, my story won’t be complete if I don’t appreciate and pay reverence to @tolaalabi, Brain behind the challenge, Yinkoose Peperempe who was the ‘Ghost Admin’, @thelogomarch and @thisisyox, Guest Critic for their immense contribution, dedication and sacrifice whilst consistently reviewing tens of entries every day.

Thanks so much. You guys are the real MVPs, and I’m grateful for the initiative and platform.

#logomarch #creative #challenge #design #logodesign #30daylogochallenge #IfeoluwaSopeju #Founder #Creative #Director #Professional #BrandIdentitySpecialist #Business #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #RiskTaker #Fearless #Optimistic #GearedUp #FiredUp



Ìfẹ́olúwa Ṣópéjú
Persona by Layrz

Founder, ONEDABRAND DESIGN AGENCY | Professional | Brand Identity Specialist | Friendly | Inquisitive | Sociable | Passionate about creativity