Onchain Targeting in Web3 Advertising

What is onchain targeting, and how can it be leveraged in Web3 advertising?

Kyle White
3 min read4 days ago


Compared to traditional Web2 marketing strategies, onchain targeting is much more transparent and reliable in acquiring real users. Current models could be updated through onchain targeting, which finds the perfect balance between sniffing out bots and protecting user privacy.

What is onchain targeting?

Onchain targeting helps advertisers reach specific audiences more effectively by leveraging public blockchain technology to create user personas based on wallet activity. The method does not rely on traditional data collection methods that may infringe on user privacy, which is critical for Web3 users. It can also help detect bots and airdrop farmers.

Leveraging onchain data to create user personas

To create user personas, persona3.io analyzes wallets’ onchain activity. This includes the types of transactions made, the frequency of transactions, and the types of tokens or assets held by the wallet. By aggregating this data, persona3.io can identify patterns and behaviors that indicate a user’s interests and preferences.

For example, if a wallet frequently interacts with DeFi applications and holds a significant amount of a particular token, persona3.io may infer that the user is interested in DeFi and has a preference for that specific token. This information can then be used to create a user persona that represents a segment of the audience with similar interests and behaviors.

Once user personas are created, advertisers target these personas by matching them with relevant ads. Advertisers can specify the types of user personas they want to reach, and the technology serves their ads to wallets that match those personas.

Flow chart analyzing how onchain data is used for targeting

Why use onchain targeting?

By using onchain targeting, advertisers reach a more targeted audience, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates. This approach also respects user privacy by avoiding the collection of personal information, such as age, gender, or location. Who still uses cookie tracking anyway?

Overall, onchain targeting allows advertisers to reach the right audience with the right message while also protecting user privacy and promoting a more decentralized and transparent advertising ecosystem.

How onchain data is synthesized

How Persona uses onchain targeting

At persona3.io, we utilize onchain targeting and high-quality publishers to help advertisers reach specific audiences more effectively. Our strategies help reduce customer acquisition costs and, since we reach a relevant audience, increase customer lifetime value.

Process of how Persona utilizes onchain data for Web3 advertising

