Persona — 22nd May Update

Alina Rus
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2019


On covering the latest news on Persona we include:

Identity Wallet

The Persona identity management plug in functionalities on the v2 version are still work in progress. We have succeeded in implementing the Attribute Validation Request management transactions such as: Approve, Decline, Notarize, Reject and Cancel. Moreover, a total of 137 tests have so far been executed on the new version!

For next week, we plan on completing the identity use request management transactions.

Mainnet migration to ARK V2

The migration to the Persona V2 has been finished. 49 delegates have already migrated and they are all active on the new v2 network. We are currently trying to get into contact with the remaining 2 delegates to update and have all the 51 delegates running on the latest version.

Additionally, new versions of the Desktop and Explorer were released and these both support and integrate the v2 network. Moreover, the Explorer was enhanced to retrieve the PRSN token price in real time from the Altilly exchange. Based on that price the Persona explorer can calculate and display the market cap in US dollars.


Due to the migration, trading has been disabled on all exchanges that have Persona trading pairs. We are currently working closely with the exchanges to resume trading as soon as possible. For the moment trading Persona is enabled on Altilly and Bisq.

