Persona — 23rd April Update

Alina Rus
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2019

Here’s our update on the Persona project for the last week:

Mainnet migration to ARK V2

Migration from v1 to v2 is still an ongoing process all the while the documentation is being stabilized and improved continuously.

Also, a test migration from 2.1 to 2.2 was performed successfully, and now with the community help, especially Geops, we test to see if we successfully migrate directly to the Ark’s latest version, which is 2.3(launched one day ago) .

To find the right moment for migration, Hugo(our community manager) came out with a Google form, where he checks the availability of the delegates for the migration. If you did not filled in your availability, please do so following this link .

V2 Plugin Development

Implementing the attribute management functionalities on the v2 framework is still in the under construction phase. Meanwhile, we are glad to announce that the API layer was successfully integrated with both the Model and Database Layers in some of the basic scenarios, such as the Create Attribute operation.

In the meantime, the process of adding the custom identity management component regarding the non blockchain transaction types — which can change the state of the system — is still work in progress, and will continue over the course of the following weeks.

With the migration to Ark V2 and the identity attributes available(including the development of the IPFS as plugin) Persona will become fully functional and all the partners will be able to use the features of a smooth customers onboarding process, while benefiting from a banking grade performed KYC&AML.

