Persona — July 10th Update

Stefan Neagu
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2018

While is not much visible yet on Persona progress, we are working hard on setting the foundation on top of which we are going to built the Persona identity protocol.

We’ve been working on a couple of things:

  1. The Persona project as a whole

a. the project/local environment setup

b. setting up a private repository

c. setting up internal devnet

d. setting out automated testing tools, so we can create testing templates to easily test various configurations from development perspective and also from security perspective

2. Persona JS

a. project/local environment setup

b. optimizing Persona Explorer (will be launched with the new website)

c. Repository organization

d. remove ark references

e. fix network version for address generation

3. Persona wallet

a. git repository setup

b. cleanup ark references

c. fix some of the issues with making transactions from the ledger

4. Persona product website

Is in testing phase, adding text, images and such. Should be live by end of week. This means that once the website is live and we migrate from the TGE landing page to full fledge product website (we will migrate also the DNS) we will start the communication phase.

On the product development side, we are currently testing in internal devnet the soft-fork from Ark V1 to Ark V2 and once successful(we estimate this to be done this week) to migrate the Persona testnet from Ark V1 to Ark V2. Once we reach this step, we will start adding the identity attributes and see what is the best way to implement IPFS, how we link the attributes with the documents saved in IPFS.

The development will follow an agile approach, where we add a new feature/functionality and test it first in devnet and then in testnet. The main focus will be on the KYC use-case where we already have partners waiting to test Persona capabilities to provide identity services.



Stefan Neagu

father of one,entrepreneur,ex-future-to-be-priest,co-founder of @arkecosystem & @personaiam