Persona — July 21st update

Stefan Neagu
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2018

What we’ve been doing since the last update? This update is about Persona Wallet and Persona RPC.

Persona Wallet&Ledger

We’ve made available for the testnet the Ledger integration. It’s been in the testing for more than a week and till now everything seems fine. We will keep it like this a week more and if everything is okay we will move it to mainnet. We expect the community to run their own set of tests, pools making payments, voting from Ledger and signing transactions.

Persona RPC

Listing on exchanges has two components. One is financial since most of the exchanges are having listing fees and the other one is technical and one of the technical requirement for some of the exchanges is to be able to provide a RPC implementation. While we are preparing to get listed on exchanges and we cover the legal aspects of it, we made available also the RPC implementation for Persona blockchain so we have all the technical aspects ready for getting listed.

Persona website

The website is almost complete, there is still some effort to be made on text. It tends to take longer, there is always a better word to explain what you want to try to describe.

Persona team+1

While we are closing down on the architecture, the transaction types for all the various interactions Persona will provide and the fees for those, Persona team grew and now we have a new colleague to cover the documentation side of what we are building here. The scope is to have the technical documentation written in the same time we are developing the core so the developers that want to consume identity from Persona have all the tools (API calls+ documentation ) available from 1st second.

Soft forking from Ark v1 to V2 in testnet

We had to postpone the fork, due to Ledger integration tests. Once we’re passed this Ledger integration and all the tests conducted by us and the tests the community is conducting, we’ll focus on the upgrade. There are not many community ran nodes in the testnet right now and might be a good moment to have the community jump in.



Stefan Neagu

father of one,entrepreneur,ex-future-to-be-priest,co-founder of @arkecosystem & @personaiam