Persona update 1st-20th July

Stefan Neagu
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2019

While the summer takes over and people go in holidays or counting days till they will sip a beer on the pool edge, we’ve been busy testing the migration to Ark 2.4.14, finished testing the attributes as plug-in on internal network and signing new partnerships.

Testnet migration

This week we’ve scheduled the migration of the public testnet to as a preliminary step to migrate the mainnet to

How we will do it:

  1. We will start a new testnet, from scratch (the current testnet runs on Ark V1) . It will run on Ark V2.3, the same version the mainnet runs on.
  2. With the help of the community we will then proceed to upgrade it to
  3. For the mainnet upgrade, we will have some seeds to verify that the transactions from are compatible with 2.3 and if everything goes well, we will go upgrading the mainnet to .

Attributes as plug-in

We finished running all 484 tests on attributes as plug-in and on top of that we’ve tested it also on an internal network running on So now, as soon as we bring the mainnet on attributes are ready for “prime time”, after testing them again on the updated public testnet.

IPFS plug-in remains to be developed, but as there are some vulnerabilities in 2.3 we decided to concentrate our attention to the migration process.


Last week we’ve announced a new partnership with BountyHive. BountyHive is the industry leading blockchain marketing solutions provider, specialized in bounties campaigns, airdrops, social media content producing.

Their userbase counts more than 150.000 users and BountyHive will use Persona protocol to raise the trust level between both parties (blockchains projects and BountyHive community).

This partnership allows us to create that snowball to have validators in various geographies and to allow BountyHive community to access the rest of the services offered by the rest of partners of Persona with one single KYC.Wee have some other partnerships in various state of progress but since is summer and people tend to go in vacations :D, the pace is not very fast.

