How You Spent January 1st Will Determine the Rest of Your Year

Mateja Klaric
Personal Brain Whisperer
4 min readJan 1, 2017


Let’s say that this is true. Because New Year has above all a symbolical meaning, we can see it as a new start and an opportunity to turn our lives into something better than what we had the year before.

Playing with GIMP and the image by Her Creative Studio (Creative Market)

It’s as simple as that. Making it (even) better than the year before, that’s my resolution this year.

I devoted January 1st to making it happen

I spent my first day in 2017 by including everything I want and need for a happy life —my loved ones, work, fun, and dreams.

Here is what I did: I began by walking the dog, feeding the pets and birds, and doing some work on my computer. A light salad for lunch, taking a hike through the woods. Next, baking cakes for family and friends. Finally, back to work and dreams. All of these things I love to do, so that was great.

Loved ones come first

Becoming mindful of all the wonderful people and animals in our life is a sure way to happiness. Catering to their needs and showing them how much we love and care for them is one of the best ways to make life beautiful and meaningful.

This always brings rewards and sometimes we fail to see them. So we need to be mindful of that too. Taking daily hikes, for example, would not be possible without my dog. I know that I wouldn’t be able to muster up the discipline if it weren’t for him. I call him my personal trainer. He keeps me healthy.

Baking cakes for my family and friends fills the whole house with a divine smell of freshly baked goodies. I do not have to buy the scent, I can create it myself and by doing so I also create a lot of happiness for those who receive it.

This makes me happy too.

Work or fun?

I love to work. When I work, it doesn’t feel like work, even though I have a lot to learn and it can get frustrating when things don’t work out as I planned. For me, working is more often fun than not, and when it is not fun, I try to see it as a challenge rather than a problem.

I’m having fun learning, among other things, how to use GIMP (a free image manipulation program similar to Photoshop), and today, I used it create the image for this post with it. Mastering the program and learning new skills will help me make this year even better than the last.

Nice and appealing works because it makes us feel good when we see it. It also makes us feel good when we create it.

And then I write. I succeeded in making writing my daily habit last year, even though I haven’t yet reached the point when would be able to publish something every day and feel good about the content. So I’ll put that on my 2017 list just for fun. (I already have doubts about this, but I will do my best and that’s what counts.)

Last but not least, I worked today on my online counseling service Personal Brain Whisperer. I’m planning to launch it this month in addition to Transform the Pain. While Transform the Pain is about coping with loss, Personal Brain Whisperer is about purposefully creating a meaningful and fulfilling life.


I have dreams, and I want to be especially mindful of them this year. Publish a book has been one of my age-long desires. I’m going to do that this year and hopefully very soon. I have everything ready, including pics and art, it just needs to be formatted, turned into a book, and published.

That’s something I’m excited about, that’s something that makes life worth living. This is the essence of dreams — making you aware of your heart’s desires and with that your purpose here on earth.

So I’m hopeful, I’m very hopeful about this year. Here’s to 2017 and let’s make the best of it!

Mateja started to write short stories at the age of ten and later found herself in the role of a freelance journalist, radio personality, and psychologist. Her life resembles a roller coaster ride full of ups and downs and some pretty wild turns. Among other things, her car was destroyed by tanks and she survived several brushes with death. She graduated summa cum laude in psychology from Arizona State University and is now working as a brain whisperer at Transform the Pain. Connect with Mateja on LinkedIn.

