Reward Yourself!

Personal Brain Whisperer
Personal Brain Whisperer
2 min readJan 4, 2017

It’s one of the most powerful tools for turning your life into success.

How do you feel when you look at this picture? Nice and excited, right? Exactly. Our brains love rewards and are willing to toil for them. That’s why this works and is an incredibly powerful tool.

Setting small and attainable goal is good, but not enough. To raise the efficiency of this strategy to the power of ten, you need to reward yourself for each success, for each small goal achieved.

This will make even most arduous task a lot more enjoyable, since your brain will be focused on the reward and not only on how hard the work is.

The reward doesn’t have to be terribly expensive — best things in life can be free. It has to be something that you enjoy or like, but either do not take the time for or cannot afford it very often.

It can even be a piece of your favourite cake while you are on a diet or buying yourself something nice that will remind you of your success. Make it special. By doing so you are making it very clear to your brain that each success counts, that each small step counts and means something. Let it feel good!

