Let’s Up Our LinkedIn Headline Game

Personal Branding w/ Haithem Elembaby
2 min readOct 19, 2020

One of my favorite moments in our #huddles is writing a candidate’s headline.

“Struggling to book meetings? Getting ghosted? Want to sell without selling your soul? Read this profile.” Josh Braun

“InsideSales Top 10 Sales Leader | Sales Dev. Exec of the Year | Top 100 Sales Coach | SaaS Consultant | Avid Swearer” Kevin “KD” Dorsey

“Barbells & Business Development | Assisting Data Science Teams as they ACCELERATE the Pace of Innovation” Kayla Cytron-Thaler

These are a few LinkedIn headlines that stand out to me.


Because of their own unique flavor.

Your headline is your landing page. And often, it can be your only first impression.

Don’t waste it with something generic like “4x quota achiever” “account executive” or “looking for a role”, etc..


✅ Describe what you do for others.

✅ Use verbs! (Producer → Creating content…)

✅ Get people intrigued and CURIOUS to learn more about you

There are 3 types of effective headlines (generally):

1️⃣ I help X do Y to Z… Helping X do Y…

2️⃣ Are you tired of…? Do you want to know how to…?

3️⃣ Achieved X for Y… Grew from X to Y in Z time… Winner of X award…

❌ Job Title at Company (can work w/ strong brand)

❌ Marketer, Storyteller, Connector

That’s it for now!

Looking forward to seeing yours out in the wild 🌟

Get in touch or learn more about Haithem at HaithElem.com

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Personal Branding w/ Haithem Elembaby

Persuasive communication for life’s high-stakes situations 🌟 📹 🔊