Kick-start Your Personal Development and Get an Unfair Advantage over Those Who Do Not.

The 10 most important books that have changed my mindset the most, paving the way for me to become a happy 6-fig entrepreneur.

Chris, PhD


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

First of all, it is absolutely essential to understand that the books discussed here may not necessarily trigger a similar mindset shift in you.

With books, timing is absolutely crucial: depending on what stage you are at in your personal development, you will interpret what is written differently or miss some golden nuggets. That’s why you should read good books several times.

Reading good books in the field you want to improve yourself is always a good idea — even if you already know what you have read in a similar way or only understand parts of it.

Reading a book is already an unfair advantage, because you think with the brain of the author, who is often much more experienced in the topic than you are.

The books that I picked out here and that influenced me the most at the time of reading are from the areas of personal and money mindset. Both areas achieve a high level of freedom of any kind.

Personal Mindset



Chris, PhD
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Dad. Husband. Son. Multi-business founder + CEO. Tech PhD | Sharing valuable experience, lessons learned, and shortcuts.