Does opportunity knock at your door?

Nidhi D. Tyagi
Personal Excellence
2 min readMar 20, 2017

Do you find it difficult to spot opportunities or easily miss opportunities and realize it later that you have missed them?

Why it happens to many of us when few people seem to be lucky enough to find a number of opportunities?

First of all, let us accept the fact that getting an opportunity is not dependent on our being lucky or not. In fact, our luck hardly plays any role in our success other than providing us a good excuse for not trying.

“Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared.” — Idown Koyenikan

Many of us just wait for the opportunity rather than preparing ourselves to spot and grab the opportunity when it comes to us. In simple words, we wait for the opportunity to knock at our door without even building a door. Having a door means having a purpose.

“If you don’t know what it is you’re looking for you’re NEVER going to find it. You have to be clear on what it is you’re seeking.” — Germany Kent

Let me explain it with an example,

When I was not planning to buy a car I did not use to spot any specific car on road, there may be many new models, new brands, new colors etc. But when I had made up my mind to buy a car and specifically the car I wish to buy I spotted lots of same cars on road. Does that mean earlier they were not running on road. They were, but because I did not have any purpose in mind so I did not spot them and even if I had spotted any, they were only the running vehicle for me as I did not identify much difference between them.

When I had a clear purpose in my mind, the budget, color and the brand I am going to buy, it became easy for me to quickly spot the same cars on the road. And this is how we spot the opportunities.

Opportunities are always there for all, they are in abundance, but few of us fail to spot them because either we are not prepared at that moment or we have not yet defined a clear purpose in life.

We are definitely not going to spot a fish, while walking on road. If we want to find a fish we have to go into the water.

Let’s first build a door for an opportunity to knock at. First, define what you want and then plan how to get it. If you have a clear and defined purpose in mind, the opportunity will not only knock at your door but will also ring the bell.



Nidhi D. Tyagi
Personal Excellence

Personal Brand and Social Media Strategist | Digital Influencer | Writer, Blogger, Speaker, Entrepreneur | Author — Evolve as a Brand