Do people make money from Blogging?

Ant John
Personal Finance News
4 min readNov 22, 2019

Do people still actually make money from blogging? Well if you check out some of the submissions on myezy (a blogging community) you’ll see plenty of people who earn thousands of dollars a month from their blogs.

But the reality is that most people who start a blog with the intention of earning some money as a side hustle, don’t actually end up earning anything.

However, I don’t think that should be a reason why you shouldn’t start your own blog. I’m a little biased. I earn a full time income from blogging. And I think it’s one of the greatest ways to make money. You can work from anywhere, the hours are flexible and if you’re passionate about what you write about — then it’s also super fun.

I often get emails from people looking to get into blogging. I always give the same advice. Just get started! I’ll share some tips below on how you can actually make money from blogging, but the most important thing is you give it a go.

Starting a blog is dead cheap. I host my money making blogs on Siteground — it costs less than $100 to get a years worth of hosting. That’s a pretty amazing investment. The upside is you could earn thousands of dollars in recurring revenue each month. The downside is you give up after 12 months and decide it’s not for you. You’ll lose $100, but you’ve probably gained some super valuable skills in that time. Skills you can apply to other side hustles. Honestly, just give it a go.

So how do you actually make money?

Well I make most of my income from affiliate marketing. I write guides on the products I use. Mostly products in the cryptocurrency space. I’m a nerd and live and breath tech. So writing guides about crytpo is a lot of fun.

With affiliate marketing, when someone clicks through from one of my blogs and buys a product, I make a commission. I’m honest about what I reveiw and if I don’t like a product, I’ll say it. I only promote things I actually use. It makes it really easy to write about because I just share my experiences.

Just start Writing

It’s easy to get caught up in the technical details of running a blog. But the single most important thing is your content. If you can write articles, just like this one that you’re reading, then you can make money from a blog.

So don’t worry too much about making your Wordpress blog look pretty. And don’t worry if it is real basic to begin with. Just fill it with articles like this, that link to affiliate programs. You don’t need any technical skills to run a blog. Sites like Siteground make the entire setup process automatic. Plus there are thousands of guides out there if you end up getting stuck on something.

How long does it take to make money

It took me a few years to make money with blogging. At first it was a real struggle. I think this was because I didn’t really have a focus on what I was trying to achieve. Then all of a sudden it just clicked. Instead of just writing random articles like “10 cool things about blogging”, I started writing more targeted articles like “How I make money with product X”.

I went from earning a few dollars a month to earning a few hundred. I stuck with it a few more months and it grew to a few thousand each month. And that is where I’m at today.

So while I took the long route, I think it possible to make money blogging with in just a few months. You won’t make money overnight. But if you stick with it you’ll see progress.

Stop Searching and Start Doing

A lot of people who want to make money online make one big mistake. They are forever searching. Searching for the next big opportunity. Searching for a secret method. Searching for an easier way. The truth is that if you want to make money online, you don’t need to search. You just need to “do”.

The sooner you start building something the sooner you’ll make money. It takes time to start making money from a blog. In 3 months time you’ll have wished you had started sooner.

So you wanna make money from blogging? Setup a blog, find something to promote, write about it….and keep writing about it. That’s all there is to it.

