How to Balance Work and Life in the Remote Work Era.

Nuru Mughenyi.
personal growth and self-improvement.
3 min readMay 14, 2024
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Nowadays, the world has changed, turning our living spaces, or bedrooms into our workplaces. This shift brought up a significant question for me:

How do we prevent work from overwhelming our personal lives when both occur under the same roof?

The Challenge

Initially, working from home seemed perfect. No morning traffic, no rushing out the door. However, my work began to stretch into my evenings. My laptop was always open, and I found myself constantly checking emails. Does this resonate with you?

Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

A Call for Change

One evening, while I was still buried in work, a friend called. She could hear the exhaustion in my voice. "When was the last time you truly relaxed at home?" she asked. I couldn’t remember. That’s when I realized I needed a change. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by work like this?

Setting Boundaries

The following day, I began to establish clear rules for myself. I designated a small table in the corner of my living room as my "work-only zone." This was where work started and stopped. What spot in your home could you dedicate to work?

I also set fixed work hours. I would start at 9 AM and shut down by 5 PM, no matter what. At five, I would close my laptop and step away. What hours would work best for you to maintain a balance?🤔

Discovering Tools and Techniques

To help enforce these boundaries, I relied on simple tools. A timer on my phone reminded me when to start and stop working. I also kept a daily planner to ensure I wasn’t piling on too much work.

Importance of Breaks

I quickly realized the power of taking breaks. Every two hours, I would take at least a ten-minute break from my desk to stretch or make tea. These small pauses helped me clear my mind and return to work with more focus. How often do you give yourself a break?

The Result

Months into this new routine, the benefits are substantial. I now have time for hobbies in the evening, and I feel less stressed. Work has its time and place, and it doesn’t dominate my life anymore.

Now let me tell you

Sharing my journey is not just about recounting my own experiences, but about inspiring you to reflect on and enhance your own work-life balance. The steps I've taken to set boundaries and integrate useful tools might seem small, but they've significantly improved my quality of life. Achieving a healthy work-life balance is a deeply personal process that varies for everyone. It involves finding what effectively separates your professional commitments from your personal time and sticking to these boundaries to improve not only your productivity but also your overall well-being. As you read this, consider how you can make similar changes to bring more balance into your life. Let's embrace these adjustments not as temporary fixes, but as long-term commitments to living better.



Nuru Mughenyi.
personal growth and self-improvement.

Public Health Specialist | Gender and Community Development Expert | Human Rights Activist| Writer.