3 Self-Help Habits I Quit Because They’re Stupid

You don’t have to do everything self-help gurus say.

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


Photo by Matty Adame on Unsplash

Self-help content can make you feel like you’re never doing everything right. But you don’t have to feel bad when you’re not doing everything that self-help says you should.

That’s what this article is about.

Most self-help writers don’t even do everything ‘right’ themselves. They don’t practice all the life-hacks out there. And they break some of the self-help ‘rules’ or quit certain habits if it doesn’t serve them.

Right now, I’ll share three traditional self-help habits I quit because I think they’re stupid. I don’t like them. They didn’t serve my overall quality of life.

I want to clarify that these habits aren’t helpful to me, but they are life-changing for many others. I used to follow these habits but discovered they were counterproductive for me, personally.

But if these habits are helpful to you, please keep practicing them. Don’t fix anything that isn’t broken. Always do what helps you — not what someone (me, in this case) said on the internet.

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Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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