Image by Simon Shiff (Source:

4 Reasons To Try A Sensory Deprivation Tank

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


A sensory deprivation tank, as the name suggests, deprives you of all sensory experiences. It’s a dark, soundproof tank filled with Epsom salt and water at body temperature, giving you the impression of floating weightlessly.

There are no visual, auditory, or other forms of input in a sensory deprivation tank. Nothing. For 60–90 minutes, it’s just you and your mind floating on salty water. It’s a surreal experience — kind of like being in space, I think — but one that has many benefits.

Reason #1: It Reduces Stress, Depression, And Anxiety

First of all, as you float weightlessly in the silence and darkness, the brain enters a deeply relaxed state. As there are no distractions or inputs, there’s nothing to entertain your mind. There’s no social media, tv, or music to stimulate your brain. Nothing is pulling for your attention, activating your amygdala, or triggering your stress responses.

Photo by Haley Phelps on Unsplash

Finally, your mind can be at peace. It feels like you’re completely stepping out of the hectic daily rollercoaster for a while. Without the constant pressure of analyzing the world around you, your body…



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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