5 Bizarre Smartphone Behaviours We've (Sadly) Normalised

And the counter-habits you need to quickly change them.

Aleid ter Weel
Peak Productivity


Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve seen people do some bizarre things in both public and private because of their phones.

We joke about some of these things. We find it normal when other people do these things to us. But there’s more to it.

We’re disconnected from nature, barely move our bodies, and are more afraid of conversations than ever.

I’ll be honest, I’m guilty of some of these behaviors myself. But I’m challenging myself to change my digital habits in order to make a more positive impact on my environment, body, and mind.

So, let’s explore five common smartphone behaviors that almost everyone is guilty of and offer suggestions on how we can change them into something positive.

Checking Your Phone During Dinner

“Get off your phone!”

Admit it; we’ve all wanted to shout these words at someone before, especially at the dinner table.

Research shows that the mere presence of smartphones makes conversations go to shallower topics.

When a smartphone is within eyesight, individuals make less eye contact and are likelier to miss…



Aleid ter Weel
Peak Productivity

Articles on digital minimalism, living offline, and happiness | Support my work and get unlimited access on Medium: https://aleid-tw.medium.com/membership