5 Morning Journaling Practices For High Productivity & Success

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


Journaling is a key morning routine habit of many highly successful people. People like Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, but also historical figures like Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison (who wrote more than 5 million pages in his journals over his lifetime!) are known for their regular journaling practices.

As the scientifically-proven benefits of journaling range from increased happiness to higher productivity — and from increased quality of sleep to clearer thinking — it’s no wonder that journaling is a common habit of many highly successful people.

In this article, I’ll specifically hone in on how journaling can make you more productive and increase your odds of success — sharing five specific morning journaling practices that I’ve experienced to be most effective.

Journaling Practice #1: Gratitude

According to research, the human brain is wired to seek negativity. This is what psychologists call the ‘negativity bias’. In the past, our survival depended heavily on our skill of avoiding dangers such as snakes or tigers. Thus, the brain developed systems that would make danger so obvious that we’d respond to it. Sometimes, it sends signals of danger that isn’t even real.



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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