7 Easy Hacks To Become A Morning Person

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


I wouldn’t say that I’m particularly a morning person, so it’s quite ironic that I’m writing this post. In fact, for the first 20 years of my life I loved sleeping in — and to be honest, I still enjoy it every now and then to this day.

However, it’s no secret that many high-performers wake up early so that they can get a head start over everyone else. So, I quickly realized that, as an entrepreneur, I was leaving a lot of performance potential on the table when I’d start my workday later than I could, and when I’d let my mornings go unstructured.

Even though I’m not a part of the 5 AM club, I’ve become more of a morning person over the years and I actually start my days in a productive, motivated and energized way — which is the complete opposite of how I used to start them years ago.

In this article, I’ll share the 7 easy hacks that helped me transform from being someone who hated mornings to someone who actually enjoys his mornings.

Morning Hack #1: Put Your Alarm In A Different Room

While living in a new apartment for a few weeks now, I dropped one of my most important morning habits (new environments have the tendency to change your behaviour), which is putting my alarm far away from my bed. No wonder that I had a lot of trouble with…



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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