7 Essential Morning Ritual Habits For A Productive, Energetic & Successful Day

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2019


Having a morning routine versus not having a morning routine is like the difference between night and day. Personally, I clearly notice how my mental and physical performance massively improves on those days where I follow my strategically created morning routine.

Nowadays, I simply don’t want to start my days without doing my morning routine anymore. And on those rare days where I somehow fail to follow my morning routine, my performance clearly suffers from it.

In this article, I’ll share 7 essential morning ritual habits that will help you create your own morning routine that sets you up for a productive, energetic and successful day.

Habit 1: Meditate For At Least 10 Minutes

Meditation has been one of the habits that helped me to massively improve my focus over the last few years. And you don’t have to be a highly spiritual person in order to take advantage of the benefits of meditation.

By meditating for about 10 minutes per day, I notice that I can make better decisions, focus with more intensity, have a calmer and decluttered mind, feel less stressed and overall just feel great. That’s why I love to start my day with this superpower habit. And no, this is not just some feel-good placebo. Scientific data actually backs up the benefits of having a meditation practice.



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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