7 Steps To Work With Laser Focus

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


In this article, I’ll share the exact process that I use in order to work with laser focus for longer periods of time, without getting distracted. I dare to say that implementing a deep focus session in my work day has boosted my productivity levels like no other productivity hack over the past few months.

Through my focus process, I’m able to complete my most valuable tasks both much faster and of much higher quality — simply because I can direct all of my mental resources towards the task, without getting distracted.

In fact, a study led by Harvard showed that the average knowledge worker spends 47% of his or her day in a state of (semi)distraction. In other words, when you learn how to focus well, you can get the same exact task done twice as fast. This is like completing a 4-hour task in merely 2-hours.

Our ability to focus is rapidly declining because technology is wiring our brain to seek instant gratification (it’s exactly how social media is designed for example). Therefore, focusing on just one thing for more than an hour is something that the brain finds incredibly boring, as it doesn’t provide you with as much dopamine hits compared to most other things.

Because the ability to focus is declining so rapidly, it becomes an increasingly more valuable skill. Those who are able to focus without getting…



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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