That’s me struggling to get over one of the many obstacles in my latest obstacle run

8 Habits To Stop Being Tired & Generate Unstoppable Energy Instead

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


I see so many people around me who are tired and low on energy almost every single day. They want to work hard and chase their ambitions, yet they don’t have the energy to go at it with impact and consistency. And that’s a real shame…

I used to be one of them, and I know how much of a struggle it is to feel tired while you actually want to go after your goals and dreams. That’s why I decided to write this article, as I want you to experience that feeling of aliveness and energy every single day, and no longer let tiredness be a limiting factor in your life anymore.

A few years ago, I would basically fall asleep on my daily commute from and to university. every single day. I would only start to feel awake somewhere after 11:00 (when I loaded up on enough coffee) and the first 2–3 hours of my day were spend in zombie-mode as I was practically still asleep. I had a hard time focusing, and trying to study for exams after 17:00 felt like an uphill battle against Mike Tyson in his prime. In other words, I wasn’t exactly performing at my full potential..

Then, one day, I simply decided I would no longer let the lack of energy be a limiting factor in my life anymore and I took matters into my own hands by studying peak performance habits that would help me generate unstoppable amounts of…



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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