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8 Things No One Should Do Before 8 A.M.
Make your mornings better through subtraction and replacement.
There are many wonderful things you can do in the morning. Things that can help start your day right. Yet there are just as many things you shouldn’t do. Things that, if done, will make you feel crabby, sleepy, and lethargic.
Following are eight things I strive to not do each morning. Many of them are easy to avoid. Others I have to remind myself of. Regardless, they help make my mornings light and joy-filled. Please don’t feel the need to do (or avoid) each of the eight things. More than likely, you won’t encounter all of them on a given day anyway. Just be aware of the ones that resonate with you. When they arise, keep this article in mind.
1. Complaining
You couldn’t get comfortable last night. You were tossing and turning and never felt like you could settle in. Now, with your alarm going off, you can barely muster the strength to sit up. The day just started and it’s already ruined. And, being ruined, you share the news with everyone you know. Your spouse, kids, neighbors, colleagues.
In your complaining, you damage not only your mood but also the moods of everyone you encounter.